Journal of Economics and Finance in Indonesia (EFI)
- International economics
- Agricultural and rural areas economics
- Industrial organization
- Demography
- Development economics
- Economy in crisis and pandemic
- Education and human resource economics
- Energy economics
- Environmental and natural resources economics
- Financial sector and capital market
- Health economics
- History of economic thoughts
- Institutional aspect of economy
- Labor economics
- Maritime economics
- Monetary economics
- Political economy
- Poverty economics
- Public sector economics
- Regional and urban economics
- Digital economy
- Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2024
- Announcement of Selected Extended Abstracts: March 29, 2024
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: April 26, 2024
- Announcement of Selected Full Papers: May 17, 2024
Extended Abstract Submission Guideline:
- The extended abstract should be sent to with the subject "CFP EFI 2024 - [Research Title]". Please ensure to include authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses in the body of the email.
- The extended abstract should be written in English.
- The extended abstract should include background of the problem, description of data and methodology used, as well as policy recommendations.
- The maximum length of the extended abstract is 1000 words (excluding references).
- Authors of selected abstracts will be notified via email.
Full Paper Submission Guideline:
- The full paper of selected extended abstracts should be submitted to
- The technical guidelines for authors are available on the website.
- The top 10 articles will each be awarded an incentive of Rp3,000,000.
- Awardees will be given priority consideration for publication in the June or December 2024 issues.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Economics and Finance in Indonesia (EFI) publishes quality research papers on the Indonesian economy. The journal welcomes original ideas in the form of either theoretical or empirical papers or in between of the two. The journal covers wide areas, including but not limited to international economics, agricultural economics. industrial organization, capital market, demography, development economics, economy in crisis, economy of rural areas, education and human resource economics, energy economics, environmental and natural resources economics, financial sector, health economics, history of economic thoughts, institutional aspect of economy, investment, labor economics, maritime economics, monetary economics, political economy, poverty economics, public sector economics, regional economics, and urban economics.
EFI is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi) with SK No. 21/E/KPT/2018 dated July 9, 2018. In the ministry’s Science and Technology Index, EFI is listed as a SINTA-2 Journal. EFI is also indexed/listed by IDEAS/RePEc, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar, WorldCat, and Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC).
All articles are written in English and selected through double-blind peer review process. EFI publishes biannually (twice a year) in June and December with financial support from the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEBUI). Neither the Institute nor the University takes responsibility for the views expressed by the authors. EFI authors benefit from extensive editing, and English proofreading service. This journal charges no fee to authors for publication of articles and articles published in EFI will be open access. These policies would increase the journal’s readerships.
EFI was originally launched in 1948 as “Maandblad voor Financien“ before being renamed into “Economics and Finance in Indonesia – Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia (EKI)”.This transformation signifies a reorientation of the journal's focus to better communicate the research findings of Indonesia economists to a wider international economic readership. Today, EFI is aspiring to be a forum for a fruitful academic exchange between Indonesian economists and their overseas colleagues.
At the end of 2022, all journals using the Open Journal System platform within the University of Indonesia experienced a hacker attack, including the Economics and Finance in Indonesia Journal. This resulted in the loss of some archive data, including the ongoing article review process in the Economics and Finance in Indonesia Journal at that time. In 2023, the Economics and Finance in Indonesia Journal fully transitioned to using the Digital Commons platform. The use of this platform is expected to enhance the journal management system capabilities and optimize the impact of each published articles to a broader audience.
Recent Content
Exchange Rate Responses and Volatility Spillover Effects during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Panky Tri Febiyansah
Sociodemographic Effects on Financial Inclusion: Implications from Online Transaction in Developing-8 Countries
Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani, Navi'ah Khusniati, and Susilo Nur Aji Cokro Darsono
A Mathematical Approach to the Money Multiplier Analysis on Indonesian 1997–1998 Monetary Crisis
Albertus Prabu Siagian
Household Demand for Food Prepared at Home and Food Away from Home in Indonesia
Ratih Damayanti, Chaikal Nuryakin, and Pyan Amin Muchtar
Social Capital and Conflict in the Post-Suharto Regime in Indonesia
Andar Ristabet Hesda and Rus'an Nasrudin
From Rastra to BPNT: An Empirical Quantitative Evaluation of Food Assistance Reform in Indonesia
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Enhancing Resilience to Turbulent Global Financial Markets: An Indonesian Experience
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Corporate Income Tax Rate and Foreign Direct Investment: A Cross-Country Empirical Study
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Riatu M. Qibthiyyah
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Padang Wicaksono and Lionel Priyadi
Modification of the Regulatory Impact Assessment on Indonesia's Economic Policies
Kiki Verico
Income Inequality between Formal-Informal Employees Based on Education Group
Dias Satria
Recent Developments in Indonesia's Macro-economy and Trade, Q1-2018
Febrio Kacaribu
Provinces and Local Government Revenues Structures and Intra-Province Economic Disparity
Riatu Qibthiyyah
Balance of Payment Dynamic in Indonesia and the Structure of Economy
Telisa Falianty
Economic Impact of Imposing Excise Tax on Plastic Bottles of Drinks
Eugenia Mardanugraha
Indonesia Poverty Reduction Strategies: Shifting policies to promote employment in the poorest four deciles
Ardi Adji and Sri Hartini Rachmad
On Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth: A Study of ASEAN-5 Countries Period 2000–2016
Ambar Galih and Sugiharso Safuan
Determinants of Port Performance - Case Study of 4 Main Ports in Indonesia (2005-2015)
Atika Aqmarina
Types and Severities of Export Barriers: Evidence from Indonesian SMEs
Mohamad Revindo
Mapping Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Indonesia Labor Market
Dr. Alin Halimatussadiah and Chaikal Nuryakin
Tourism and Economic Development in ASEAN 1998-2013
Umara Ardra and Berly Martawardaya
Revenue and Distributional Impact Analysis of Indonesian Personal Income Tax Reform in 2008
Bimo Wijayanto and Yogi Vidyattama
Export Stimuli, Export Stages and Internationalization Pathways: The Case of Indonesian SMEs
Mohamad D. Revindo
Public Spending and Learning Outcomes of Basic Education at the District Level in Indonesia
Thia Jasmina
Child Labour in Indonesia: Supply-Side Determinants
Dayang Haszelinna binti Abang Ali and G. Reza Arabsheibani
Accelerating Financial Inclusion through Non-cash Assistance: Exploring Factor Affecting Beneficiaries Perception
Sartika Djamaluddin
How Congested Jakarta is? Perception of Jakarta’s Citizen on Traffic Congestion
Muhammad Halley Yudhistira
Local Government Forestry Expenditure and Forest Land Cover: A Preliminary Lesson from Decentralized Indonesia
Firda Hidayati
Portfolio Flows into Indonesia: Push or Pull?
Chaikal Nuryakin
Is Inflation Target Announced by Bank Indonesia the Most Accurate Inflation Forecast?
Faisal Rachman
The Existence of Long-Run PPP: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Countries
Sulistiadi Iskandar
Indebtedness and Subjective Financial Wellbeing of Households in Indonesia
Dwini Handayani
Lowering Regional Inflation? Improve Budget Absorption
Vid Adrison
Middle Class and Democracy: An Assessment on the 2014 Indonesian’s Presidential Election
Maxensius Sambodo
What are the Challenges in Designing An Effective Personal Income Tax System?
Raeni Raeni
Financial Integration in ASEAN-5
Laura Grace Gabriella, Revathy Suryanarayana, and Vania Esady
The Impact of Lagging-Region Status on District Poverty in Indonesia
Rus'an Nasrudin
Determination of Competition Conventional Bank in Banking Industry in Indonesia
Ciplis Gema Qori'ah
Technical Efficiency Levels of Rural Banks (BPRs) in West Java: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
Putu Natih
Managing Productivity in the Infrastructure Sector: A Case Study from Indonesia
Eric R. W. Knight
Oil Exploration Economics: Empirical Evidence from Indonesian Geological Basins
Hari Patria and Vid Adrison
Unequal Impact of Price Changes in Indonesia
Ruly Pratikno and Mohamad Ikhsan
Determinants of Firm Innovation in Indonesia: The Role of Institutions and Access to Finance
Edo Mahendra, Ubaidillah Zuhdi, and Ratnawati Muyanto
"Does Inflation Targeting Framework Make a Significant Difference in Lowering Price Level?" What is Its Implication to Indonesia's Inflation Rate?
Faisal Rachman
Revisiting Stock Market Integration Pre-Post Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Insight From BRIC Countries
Rayenda Brahmana, Chin-Hong Puah, and Kai-Hung Wong
Rural Electrification Program in Indonesia: Comparing SEHEN and SHS Program
Maxensius Tri Sambodo
Improving Human Capital through Better Education to Support Indonesia's Economic Development
Latif Adam and Siwage Dharma Negara
Current Account and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in Indonesia
Firman Mochtar and Yoga Affandi