Economics and Finance in Indonesia (EFI)
Submission Guidelines
- The manuscript covers original idea related to the economy and finance of Indonesia, supported by theoretical and/ or empirical analysis.
- The manuscript has not been considered to be published in other journal.
- Manuscript must be written in English. Total length of a manuscript is between 8,000 and 12,000 words including illustrations and references. This length is not applied certain types of manuscript such as policy notes. Manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word using the font character of Times New Roman, 12 size, and 1.5 space.
- List of content, in general, should include: General Identities (Title & Author(s) Information); Abstract (including Keywords & JEL Classification); Introduction; Literature Review; Method; Result and Analysis; Conclusion and Recommendation; & References. Certain types of manuscript at minimum must cover Introduction; Analysis and Conclusion; & References. The explanation of each are as follow:
- Title. The title should not exceed 12 words.
- Author(s) Information. Author(s) Information should include the name, affiliation as well as full email and postal address of each author. Clearly indicate the corresponding author who will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication.
- Abstract, Keywords, and JEL Classification. The manuscript has to be completed with abstract with less than 100 words each in English and Bahasa. Abstract should contain comprehensive information about the work. It should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. Provide 2-5 keywords and complemented with at least two classes of 2 digits JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classifications accordingly. Complete JEL Classification can be accessed through
- Introduction. Introduction should contain only the necessary background information to deliver clearly the purpose of work.
- Literature Review/ Descriptive Analysis/ Theoretical Framework. This section should include material that is pertinent to your research.
- Method. Give details of the methods you have used (sample, procedures, etc.).
- Result and Analysis. Elaborate the whole findings of your research both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Conclusion and Recommendation. The recommendation is optional. It also can provides readers with the current limitations and future directions on the study. It should be based on the data presented but not necessarily confines to them.
- Appendices. Appendices may be added after References to put materials found to be less suitable to be put within main text.
- Citation. Citation follows Harvard Style, the specific format of which depends on the number of author(s).
- One Author
The implications for land degradation have been much debated (Thomson 1999).
- Two Author
It is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable (Moir & Jessel 1991).
- Three Authors
The implications for land degradation have been much debated (Malinowski, Miller & Gupta 1995).
- More Than Three Authors
Other researchers have questioned these findings (Larson et al. 1987).
- Indirect Citation
Moir and Jessel (1991, pp. 93-4) have shown that it is futile to maintain that the sexes are interchangeable.
- One Author
- References. Footnote, citation, bibliography follows Harvard Style (Times New Roman font character, 11 size, 1 space). Reference format depends on the source of citation.
- Journal
- Huffman, LM 1996, ‘Processing whey protein for use as a food ingredient’, Food Technology, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 49-52.
- Book
- Berkman, RI 1994, Find it fast: how to uncover expert information on any subject, Harper Perennial, New York.
- Cengel, YA & Boles, MA 1994, Thermodynamics: an engineering approach, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, London.
- Cheek, J, Doskatsch, I, Hill, P & Walsh, L 1995, Finding out: information literacy for the 21st century, MacMillan Education Australia, South Melbourne.
- Working Paper
- Daitoh, I & A. Kawamura., 2009. ‘Endogenous FDI Policy and External Tariffs in a Free Trade Area under International Oligopoly’. Working Paper No. 2550. Tohoku University.
- Manuscript in Book
- Bernstein, D 1995, ‘Transportation planning’, in WF Chen (ed.), The civil engineering handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- Online Manuscript
- Weibel, S 1995, ‘Metadata: the foundations of resource description’, D-lib Magazine, viewed 7 January 1997,
- Official Document
- International Organization for Standardization 1982, Steels - Classification - Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steels based on chemical composition, ISO 4948-1:1982, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
- Unpublished Manuscript
- Exelby, HRA 1997, ‘Aspects of gold and mineral liberation’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
- Newspaper Article
- Simpson, L 1997, ‘Tasmania’s railway goes private‘, Australian Financial Review, 13 October, p. 10.
- Journal
- For further information on referencing each material type or citing quotations, see
- Tables and Figures have to be completed with title, using Arabic numeral orderly, and source in white & black form. Editor of EFI could ask the original tables and figures files from the author(s). The total number of tables and figures should be less than 12.
- Abbreviations in Bahasa should be typed in italics and, if needed, can be accompanied with proper translation in English.
- Equations and all mathematical formula has to utilize Equation Editor in Microsoft Word.
- If the manuscript is published, the copyright of it will be transferred to EFI.