"Hulu ke Hilir: Jaringan dan Sistem Perniagaan Sungai Kerajaan Srivijay" by Asyhadi Mufsi Sadzali


The Kedukan Bukit inscription was written in 682 AD. It is considered as the oldest inscription related to the kingdom of Srivijaya and an authentic proof of the advanced maritime culture of Srivijaya. This argument is supported by the fact that, geographically, Sumatra is endowed with hundreds of large and small rivers that have generated abundant natural resources from its upstream to downstream areas. Srivijaya must have utilized these natural conditions to facilitate the distribution of its trade commodities— pepper, camphor, resin, and gold—from the upstream regions (flowing through countless tributaries to the main rivers) to the coastal areas, and even further to the various ports in Southeast Asia. Archaeological methods were used to identify and analyze a number of findings in the form of ancient boat artifacts from Srvijaya period in terms of both their respective forms and positions as they were unearthed along the Batanghari and Musi watersheds, from the upstream to estuary areas. From these findings, it can be inferred that Srivijaya managed to build a pattern of distribution network of trade commodities and to develop a sophisticated boat technology to support it. The commodity distribution network started from the upstream areas, namely the feeder points, all the way down to the downstream areas, namely the collecting centers; then, the commodities would be transported to the estuary, namely the main port of Srivijaya, and then carried to various other ports throughout Southeast Asia. The development of boat technology is the second key to the success and effectiveness of the pattern of trade commodity distribution that Srivijaya created from its upstream to downstream areas. The combination of such distribution network pattern and the development of boat technology has successfully established Srivijaya’s image as the most influential maritime power in Southeast Asia in the ancient period.

Bahasa Abstract

Prasasti Kedukan Bukit berangka tahun 682 M, selain dianggap prasasti tertua Srivijaya, juga menjadi bukti autentik kebudayaan maritim Kerajaan Srivijaya. Fakta itu didukung oleh sungai yang banyak dan berperan menghubungkan wilayah dari hulu hingga ke hilir. Srivijaya memanfaatkan sungai dalam pendistribusian komoditas dagangnya: lada, kapur barus, damar, dan emas yang berada di wilayah hulu ke wilayah pesisir hingga kemudian ke pelabuhan di segala penjuru Asia Tenggara. Metode arkeologi digunakan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan analisis temuan artefak perahu kuno masa Srivijaya; baik dari segi bentuk maupun posisi keletakan temuannya dari hulu hingga ke muara DAS Batanghari dan Musi. Srivijaya berhasil membangun pola jaringan perdagangan maritim yang didukung teknlogi perahu yang maju. Pola jaringan dimulai dari hulu, yakni pengepul kecil (feeders points), ke hilir, yakni pengepul besar (collecting centres), lalu ke muara, yakni pelabuhan utama (entrepot) Srivijaya, selanjutnya ke Asia Tenggara. Pengembangan teknologi perahu menjadi faktor keberhasilan Srivijaya sebagai kerajaan maritim paling berpengaruh di wilayah Asia Tenggara pada masa klasik.

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