Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Author Guidelines
  2. Copyright Transfer
  3. Document Processing and Publication Fee
  4. Document Submission
  5. Article Writing Guidelines
  6. General Guidelines
  7. Thesis/Dissertation Summary
  8. Work Review

Author Guidelines (2022/2023)

Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya is a reviewed publication. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya accepts original articles regarding various issues in cultural science, including but not limited to philosophy, literature, archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, history, cultural studies, philology, arts, library, and information sciences that focuses on useful assessment and research. This journal fairly contains various articles on high-quality theoretical, empirical, comparative, or exploratory researches, including articles on undergraduate students' final assigned articles, book reviews, and a summary of the thesis/dissertation. All accepted documents—written by students at the bachelor, magister, and doctorate levels, plus graduates and experts—will be published online and in print. However, prior to review, all documents' originality will be checked.

Starting in 2019, Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya has been published three times a year.

Copyright Transfer

The author who submits the article document, with full awareness, understands that if the article manuscript is accepted for publication, the publishing copyright must be given to Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia as the publisher of the journal. The authors are required to submit a statement of copyright transfer agreement online in pdf format as a supplementary file along with the final article.

Document Processing and Publication Fee

  • Document Submission Fee.Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya does not charge a submission fee, which means the decision to accept or reject a document does not depend on the submission cost. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya also does not charge a document processing fee. Thus, the cost of document review and language editing is the responsibility of this journal.
  • Document Publication Fee. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya does not charge a fee for publishing manuscripts suitable for publication both online and in print. Thus, the cost is the responsibility of this journal. Readers can access online publications for free. The cost of printing the document to publish the printed version of the journal is the responsibility of this journal, but readers of the printed journal must pay for the printing costs.

Document Submission

The article document must be in DOC/DOCX/RTF format. Documents are submitted online via the Paradigma page in DC. The following is the procedure for submitting documents online. If you experience difficulties in submitting documents, please contact us via email at We will assist you with the document submission process to Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya

  1. Authors must register to get an account.
  2. The author enters the homepage, click submit article
  3. The author enters the login page, clicks sign up on the right side of the login (create new account) if you don't have an account yet
  4. The author fills out the available form
  5. The author will find information about submitting articles, click continue at the bottom
  6. The author enters the submission agreement section, and clicks accept or decline
  7. Authors are asked to complete the data, specifically, data marked with *, which must be filled in. When finished, click continue
  8. The author fills in information about other authors if the article is written by a team. Click continue
  9. The author fills out the form provided. After all processes are executed, click submit
  10. The author will receive confirmation that the article has been submitted
  11. The progress of the article document can be found on my account
  12. Click log out to leave the page and log in with the account that has been created to see progress
  13. Authors who experience difficulties in the process of submitting documents online, please send them via email:

Article Writing Guidelines

Writing Structure (Download template here)

There is no strict format in article writing. However, the document must contain essential elements: abstract, keywords, an introduction that includes background, previous research to prove the novelty of the research, research problem; theoretical framework; research methodology; analysis; conclusion; and references list.

General Guidelines

Number of Pages, Paper Sizes and Space

The article contains 20–30 pages (8000–10.000 words), written on A4 sheets with 1.5 spacing.


Paradigma accepts articles in Indonesian and English languages.


Article titles are written in capital letters, in the middle of the page, in Arial Narrow Bold 14 pt. The maximum length of the title is eight words. If it is more than eight words, use a subtitle. Formulate the title as specific as possible. The title should be in English and Indonesian language.

Author's Name and Affiliation

The article author's name is listed without an academic degree, accompanied by the institution name and email address, placed under the article title. If the institution is a university, the Faculty name is followed by the University name. In case the document is written by a team, the editor is in contact with the lead author, marked with an asterisk. If a team comes from different institutions, they will be numbered 1, 2, and so on, following the number and affiliation of the authors.

Section Numbering

Article section numbering uses digit numbers (1; 1.1; etc.). The section title is written as follows.

1. ALL CAPITALS, BOLD, ALIGN LEFT (Arial Narrow, 13 pt)

1.1 Upper/lowercase, Bold, Align Left (Arial Narrow, 12 pt))

1.1.1Upper/lowercase, Regular, Align Left (Arial Narrow, 12 pt)


The table is presented with the following conditions.

  • The table title is placed at the top of the table.
  • Tables are lined only on the opening and closing.
  • Numbering uses Arabic numeral (1; 2; 3; etc.).


table example.jpg


Illustrations such as pictures, photos, and screenshots are presented with the following conditions.

  • Resolution must be high, at least 300 DPI (in tiff, png, or jpg format), while screenshots are in HD (720) resolution.
  • The illustration title is put at the bottom, typed from the left edge, given a serial number, followed by the source description and year.
  • The size of illustrations, such as pictures, photos, and screenshots, is adjusted to the paper size.

Citations and References

  • The reference list contains only the literature referred to in the article.
  • Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya adheres to citations and references in brackets, and the "List of References" is added at the end of the article.


  1. Citation with one author
    Written in the text
    … (Ball 2001, 140)
    Written in the Reference List
    Ball, Philip. 2001. Bright earth: Art and the invention of color. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  2. Citation with more than one author.
    Written in the text
    … (Adorno and Benjamin 1999, 212)
    Written in the Reference List
    Adorno, Theodor W., and Walter Benjamin. 1999. The complete correspondence, 1928–1940. Ed. Henri Lonitz. Trans. Nicholas Walker. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Thesis/Dissertation Summary (Download template Indonesia | English)

  1. The thesis or dissertation summary is written in Indonesian or English.
  2. The summary contains a maximum of 25% of the thesis or dissertation contents.
  3. The thesis or dissertation is written in A4 format, with 1.5 spacing.
  4. The summary must include seven elements of the thesis or dissertation: (1) the research topic as the title of the summary, which should be the same as the thesis or dissertation title; (2) background; (3) research problems; (4) theoretical framework; (5) research methodology; (6) analysis and research results; (7) conclusion; (8) list of references/bibliography (only the literature referred to in summary).
  5. The summary is written in an essay format, meaning that the researcher composes a new article, not copying parts of the thesis or dissertation. Don't use the eight summary elements as subtitles.
  6. list.

Work Review (Download template INDONESIA or ENGLISH)

  1. Books reviewed must be up-to-date: published in the last three years.
  2. Written in academic Indonesian.
  3. The opinion length is 4–8 pages, in A4 sheets, with 1.5 spacing.
  4. Book cover photos uploaded in Supplementary Files in high resolution, at least 300 DPI (in tiff, png, or jpg format).
  5. Author's name, title, city, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, ISBN.
  6. Name of the book reviewer, email address, and affiliation.
  7. The review includes a weighing opinion regarding the book contents.
  8. Conclusion.
  9. Reference List (if any). Do not use footnotes, either for additional explanation or for reference.