This article examines two performance models of Reyog Ponorogo: the festival model and the obyokan model. These two competing models represent differing perspectives on one side, the interests of the artists and the community, and on the other, the interests of the state. By applying cultural studies theories, particularly those of representation and hegemony, this study analyzes data collected through observations of Reyog performances at both festival and obyokan events, as well as interviews with artists and community members. The findings reveal that the obyokan model emphasizes an egalitarian spirit, allowing artists greater aesthetic freedom and providing the community with a sense of belonging in Reyog culture. In contrast, the festival model has historically been associated with the state's efforts to impose order on Reyogartists and choreographies, while simultaneously promoting tourism in Ponorogo.
Bahasa Abstract
Artikel ini mengkaji dua model pertunjukan Reyog Ponorogo: model festival dan model obyokan. Kedua model yang saling bersaing ini merepresentasikan perspektif yang berbeda di satu sisi, kepentingan seniman dan komunitas, dan di sisi lain, kepentingan negara. Dengan menerapkan teori-teori studi budaya, khususnya representasi dan hegemoni, penelitian ini menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi pertunjukan Reyog pada acara festival dan obyokan, serta wawancara dengan seniman dan anggota komunitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model obyokan menekankan semangat egaliter yang memberikan kebebasan estetika kepada para seniman serta memberikan kesempatan bagi komunitas untuk merasa menjadi bagian dari budaya Reyog. Sebaliknya, model festival secara historis terkait dengan upaya negara untuk memberlakukan tatanan bagi para seniman Reyog dan koreografinya, sekaligus mengundang wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke Ponorogo.
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Suharto, a teacher, and researcher at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember, August 5, 2019.
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Recommended Citation
Tallapessy, Albert, and Ikwan Setiawan. 2024. THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS: COUNTERING THE FESTIVAL AND ELEVATING REYOG OBYOKAN AS CULTURAL CAPITAL. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya 14, no. 3 (December). 10.17510/paradigma.v14i3.1460.
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