This article is about Munanese (an ethnic group in Southeast Sulawesi) traditional dish kabasa as a form of referential support to the gastrodiplomacy trend. Kabasa is a part of the haroa ritual that features a range of dishes with various ingredients, which is strongly connected to various aspects of the community such as social position, psychology, and environment. In this study, a combination between linguistics as language science and gastronomy which examines food within its culture is considered effective for investigating the semantics of the naming pattern of kabasa dishes in order to document this unique culinary tradition and introduce new concepts in Indonesian gastronomy, particularly that of Southeast Sulawesi. Using the qualitative descriptive method and macrolinguistic approach, this study shows that kabasa naming pattern consists of three semantic levels. Meanwhile, more comprehensive gastrolinguistic analysis on the data suggests that the meanings of the names can be found based on (1) the food ingredients, which are tied to the region’s geographical features and (2) the semantic convention of kabasa itself, which shows an associative relationship between an object, its name, and environmental aspects as contextual clues.
Bahasa Abstract
Penelitian ini mengkaji makna penamaan sajian Kabasa dalam kuliner masyarakat Muna dari perspektif gastrolinguistik. Data diperoleh dari ritual Haroa dalam upacara adat Katoba atau pengislaman di Kelurahan Tobimeita, Kendari. Dari perspektif semantik leksikal, Kabasa merupakan leksikon bermakna khusus, mengonstruksi makna kognitif sesuai konteks budaya masyarakat terkait ritual, nilai spiritual, dan filosofi tentang makanan. Kajian semantik mengungkapkan konsep mental dan pandangan hidup masyarakat tercermin dalam penamaan kuliner tradisional. Analisis data yang dilakukan mengonfirmasi, bahwa gastrolinguistik sebagai sebuat pendekatan relevan untuk mengkaji hubungan bahasa-kuliner secara holistik. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat pemahaman bahwa penamaan sajian bukan sekedar label, tetapi mengandung makna kultural-filosofis. Khususnya, penamaan komponen sajian Kabasa yang menunjukkan keterkaitan erat antara bahasa, kuliner, elemen gastronomi yang melekat dengan budaya Muna.
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Recommended Citation
Lindayani, Lilik Rita, Rasiah Rasiah, Rahmawati Azi, Wa Ode Sifatu, syahrun syahrun, and La Sawali La Sawali. 2024. MAKNA PENAMAAN SAJIAN RITUAL KABASA DARI PERSPEKTIF GASTROLINGUISTIK. Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya 14, no. 2 (August). 10.17510/paradigma.v14i2.1164.
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