Jurnal Konstitusi dan Demokrasi (JKD) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed law journal. JKD was first published by the Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia in 2021 and accepeted manuscript in English and Indonesia. This journal is periodically published twice a year (June and December). It focuses on the results of research and thought in constitutional law and issues covering elections, human rights, judicial power, parliament, presidency, comparative constitutional law, and other constitutional law issues.
Current Issue: Volume 4, Number 1 (2024)
Implementation of Emergency Constitutional Law in Monetary Emergency in 1998 in Indonesia
Rahmadhona Rahmadhona, Ayyub Leonardo, and Alifia Ridianti Darmawan
Freedom Of Religion And Belief In The Indonesian State Of Law: Dualism Of Conceptual Interpretation And Constitutional Court Decision
Dixon Sanjaya and Akhlish Aulia Rahim
Juridical Analysis of the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission as an Extra-Constitutional Institution in the Indonesian Constitutional System
Alchansyah Farida