Volume 3, Number 2 (2024)
For the 2024 issue onwards, we are using the Chicago Manual Style (author-date style) for our bibliography format. Other articles are currently in production and will be released as soon as possible.Articles
Transformasi dan Marginalisasi Masyarakat Adat: Suku Ata Modo di Tengah Hegemoni Pengembangan Pariwisata Taman Nasional Komodo (Transformation and Marginalization of Indigenous Communities: The Ata Modo Tribe's Experience Amidst the Hegemony of Komodo National Park Tourism Development)
Arif Putra Pratama, Avicenna Elang Chandra, Noor Risa Isnanto, and An Nuur Khairune Nisa
Perbandingan Pengaturan Kuota Pemilihan Perempuan dan Kondisi Keterwakilan Perempuan di Parlemen: Studi Kasus Indonesia, Timor-Leste, dan Finlandia (A Comparison Study of the Quotas and Conditions for Women's Representation in Parliament in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Finland)
Ramadhanya Elwinne Huzaima Sibarani
In Pursuit of Water Justice in Jakarta
Widya Naseva Tuslian, Patricia Rinwigati, and Stanislaus Sandyawan
Right to be Forgotten as a Legal Protection for The Victims of Electronic Sexual Violence Cases
Putri Zaltina and Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo
Rule-in-Use for Community-Based Springs Management Faces Land Use Pressures: Lesson Learned from Manggarai District
Bernadinus Steni, Hariadi Kartodihardjo, Soeryo Adiwibowo, and Ruchyat Deni Djakapermana
Editorial Foreword IJSLS Volume 3 Number 2
Sulistyowati Irianto