About the IJSLS | The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies | Faculty of Law | Universitas Indonesia

About the IJSLS

The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies

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The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies (IJSLS) is a journal in the fields of Law and Society and Socio-Legal Studies on Indonesia, that can build on a long and rich history of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia in conducting, international and national interdisciplinary studies of law.

The IJSLS’ objective is to become the leading international journal for socio-legal studies on Indonesia. The IJSLS publishes theoretical contributions that fall in the socio-legal field, as well as contributions that are the results of empirical and interdisciplinary research on legal issues in Indonesia. Submitted papers are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process by national and/or international experts.

The IJSLS is published twice a year (in March and September) by the Department of Law, Society and Development Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Socio-Legal Lecturers.

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ASSLESI & IJSLS partnership letter



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Indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO, Garuda, Crossref, Google Scholar, ROAD, Dimensions, BASE, Mendeley, Indonesia One Search and Scilit.