"Rule-in-Use for Community-Based Springs Manggarai District" by Bernadinus Steni, Hariadi Kartodihardjo et al.


The struggle for water is one of the greatest immediate risks of the climate crisis. Therefore, the institutional challenge of water management is increasingly urgent and requires a number of consensuses to succeed, including community-based natural resource management (CBNRM). A key challenge to the traditional consensus for water conservation is the increasing need for land conversion due to population growth, which in turn deflects decision-making power away from traditional institutions towards external decision-makers such as regional governments. Using Ostrom's conceptual framework of rules of use, this research examines shifting spring water management in the context of Kabupaten Manggarai. The paper explores traditional rules of water management in the community and compares it to the institutional development of springs in four villages. Ultimately, it analyses the gap between the traditional rules of water management and the reality on the ground. The study finds that traditional community management of springs is subject to power contestation due to unclear institutional direction, which in turn emerges from opaque land and spatial planning policies and political decisions. These policies are overly economic and do not take into account traditional conservation and resources characteristics.

Bahasa Abstract

Perebutan air adalah risiko terbesar yang akan segera terjadi seiring krisis iklim. Karena itu, tantangan kelembagaan pengelolaan air semakin mendesak, termasuk melalui sejumlah konsensus global seperti SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis masyarakat atau CBNRM. Tantangan utama konsensus tradisional untuk konservasi air adalah meningkatnya kebutuhan lahan konversi akibat peningkatan populasi. Melalui penggunaan kerangka konseptual rule-in-use Ostrom, penelitian ini mengkaji pengelolaan mata air di Kabupaten Manggarai. Pertama soal aturan tradisional pengelolaan air dalam masyarakat. Kedua soal pengembangan kelembagaan mata air yang diteliti di empat desa. Terakhir, analisis kesenjangan antara aturan tradisional tentang konservasi air dengan kenyataan di lapangan. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa pengelolaan mata air oleh masyarakat yang dibangun atas dasar tradisi mengalami guncangan otoritas. Penyebabnya bersumber pada arah kelembagaan yang tidak jelas karena ketidakjelasan kebijakan dan keputusan politik tata ruang dan lahan. Berbagai kebijakan itu sarat dengan pertimbangan ekonomi dan kurang mempertimbangkan konservasi tradisional, dan karakteristik sumber daya.


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