The Makara Journal of Science (Makara J. Sci.) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by the Universitas Indonesia (UI) to serve as a platform for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the Material Sciences (including: physics, biology, and chemistry); Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology (including: microbiology, physiology, ecology, taxonomy and evolution); and Biotechnology.
Makara J. Sci. as a multi-disciplinary medium fosters high quality, scientifically sound and original research on par with internationally acclaimed specialized journals. Submissions, including original research manuscripts, computational or theoretical papers, notes, and mini-reviews are welcomed.
Publication in Makara J. Sci. is without charge; all published articles are available online through open access. Authors should refer to the Authors Guidelines for details on how to prepare their manuscript; submission is performed via the online submission system ( Starting from 2014, Makara J. Sci. has been publishing in March, June, September, and December. Makara J. Sci. is the successor to the “Makara of Science Series” and “Makara Science”, which have been published since 1997. The name “Makara” is adopted from the Makara tree featured in the UI logo which symbolizes a source of knowledge disseminating “fruit” in all directions.
As per 1st October 2019, the website of Makara Journal of Science (MJS) has moved to this website to provide greater quality access to the journal. All issues from 2002 are available at this website.
Current Issue: Volume 29, Issue 1 (2025) March
Effect of Niobium Dopant on ZnO Thin Films Prepared via the Sol–gel Spin Coating Method
Kevin Alvin Eswar, Nur Fairuz Rostan, Maryam Mohamad, Rabiatuladawiyah Md Akhir, Rosfayanti Rasmidi, Muliyadi Guliling, Najwa Ezira Azhar, Irmaizatussyehdany Buniyamin, Mohd Firdaus Malek, Mohamad Rusop Mahmood, Husairi Fadzilah Suhaimi, and Saifollah Abdullah
Chitosan Extraction from Anabas testudineus Scales for Enhancing the Properties of Edible Corn Starch-Based Films: Characterization and Performance Evaluation
Yuli Ristianingsih, Ivan Aldino Hernadin, and Daniel Timotius
Diversity and Distribution of Macrofungi in the Mid-hills of Bagmati Province, Central Nepal
Hari Sharan Adhikari, Suman Shrestha, Manoj Gurung, Sushma Pandit, and Sujan Balami
Screening for Penicillin G Acylase (PGA)-Producing Bacteria and Gene Cloning Using Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primed-PCR
Masdalifah Masdalifah, Sri Rezeki Wulandari, Gabriela Christy Sabbathini, Maria Ulfah, Dini Achnafani, Ahmad Wibisana, Feronika Heppy Sriherfyna, Is Helianti, and Niknik Nurhayati
Molecular Interaction of Purple Rice Ferulic Acid and Skin Aging-Related Enzymes
Ernanin Dyah Wijayanti, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah, Anna Safitri, and Dian Siswanto
Development of a Multi-Epitope Peptide Vaccine Against Monkeypox Virus: Immunoinformatics Analysis for South East Asian HLA Alleles
Nelson Chandra, Mochammad Aqilah Herdiansyah, Viol Dhea Kharisma, Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori, and Arli Aditya Parikesit
Cloning and Expression of SCAMP3 in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) with In Silico Sequence-Based Cancer Epitopes Prediction
Selly Setiati Rajagukguk, Sabar Pambudi, Astari Dwiranti, Doddy Irawan Setyo Utomo, and Anom Bowolaksono
Assessment of Fish Biodiversity of the Cimandiri Watershed, West Java, Indonesia
Rudhy Gustiano, Haryono Haryono, Gema Wahyudewantoro, Krismono Krismono, Rusdianto Rusdianto, and Firman M. Nur
Effect of Temperature on Physicochemical Properties of Plasticized Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K100–Carbopol 934 Films Containing Propylene Glycol as Plasticizer
Braja Bihari Panda, Rudra Narayan Sahoo, and Amit Kumar Nayak
Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Actinobacteria Isolated from Ziziphus mauritiana Against Multidrug-Resistant Strains
Hafifatunil Khairani, Jepri Agung Priyanto, Muhammad Eka Prastya, and Dwi Retnowati
Roles of the Survivin BIR Domain in Cellular Apoptosis and Proliferation: An In Silico Study
Silviatun Nihayah, Septelia Inawati Wanandi, Linda Erlina, and Resda Akhra Syahrani
Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant Activity, and Cytotoxic Effects of Physalis angulata and Moringa oleifera Leaf Extracts on Cancer and Normal Cells In Vitro
Didik Priyandoko, Wahyu Widowati, Ika Adhani Sholihah, Nurul Zahra Zahira, Adityana Arta Bangun, Kusdianti Kusdianti, Hernawati Hernawati, Wahyu Surakusumah, and Rahadian Deden Juansah
Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats Application on the Identification of Genetic Variation of a New Indonesian Melon Cultivar “Melona”
Tantri Ajeng Salma Salsabila, Adib Fakhruddin Yusuf, Wiko Arif Wibowo, Prima Sekti Kusnanda, and Budi Setiadi Daryono
A Comparison of Unconventional Microwave and Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Methods used for Flavonoids
Istiqomah Rahmawati, Daffa Hafiziaulhaq Azizi, Jihan Nafila Wibowo, Muhammad Reza, Boy Arief Fachri, Bekti Palupi, Meta Fitri Rizkiana, Helda Wika Amini, Ifan Ramadana, and Felix Arie Setiawan