

Background. Snack is a source of nutrition for children in school. However, special snack foods sold in elementary schools are not always safe, and are also susceptible to contamination with Escherichia coli. Methods. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the relationship of primary school children's snacks sanitation in Medan Satria and Jati Asih Subdistricts, Bekasi City with E.coli contamination in snacks using Cross Sectional design. Results. The results showed that 16.4% (10 samples) snack were contaminated with E. coli. Based on the chi square test, there was significant association between hygiene sanitation of raw materials (OR = 6,150), hygiene sanitation of equipment (OR = 10,571), snack food hygiene sanitation (OR = 19,688) and vendor’s facility (OR = 19,688) with E.coli contamination on snacks for elementary school children in the district Medan Satria and Jati Asih, Bekasi. The most dominant variable obtained E. coli contamination is a vendor's facility along with hygiene sanitation of equipment. Conclusions. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent E. coli contamination through counseling, training, and fostering food sanitation hygiene for food handlers, provision of sanitation facilities, and food quality improvement programs through sanitation hygiene monitoring and food microbiology testing.


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Bahasa Abstract

Latar Belakang. Makanan jajanan merupakan sumber pemenuhan gizi bagi anak-anak di sekolah. Akan tetapi, makanan jajanan khususnya yang dijual di Sekolah Dasar tidak selalu aman, dan juga rentan terkontaminasi Escherichia coli. Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan anak Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kecamatan Medan Satria dan Jati Asih, Kota Bekasi dengan kontaminasi E.coli pada makanan jajanan dengan menggunakan desain Cross Sectional. Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 16,4% (10 sampel) makanan jajanan positif terkontaminasi E.coli. Berdasarkan pengujian chi square terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel higiene sanitasi bahan makanan (OR=6,150), higiene sanitasi peralatan (OR=10,571), higiene sanitasi makanan jajanan (OR= 19,688) dan kondisi sarana penjaja (OR=19,688) terhadap terjadinya kontaminasi E.coli pada makanan jajanan anak SD di Kec. Medan Satria dan Jati Asih. Dari hasil uji regresi logistik, didapatkan bahwa variabel paling dominan terhadap kontaminasi E.coli adalah kondisi sarana penjaja bersama dengan higiene sanitasi peralatan. Simpulan. Sehingga, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya kontaminasi E.coli melalui penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pembinaan higiene sanitasi makanan kepada penjamah makanan, penyediaan fasilitas sanitasi, dan program pemantauan kualitas makanan melalui inspeksi higiene sanitasi dan pengujian mikrobiologi makanan.
