
Board of reviewers

Prof. dr. Haryoto Kusnoputranto, S.K.M., Dr. PH
Expertise: Environmental and Industrial Health, Environmental Health Impact and Risk assessment, Urban Environmental Health, Hazardous Waste and Liquid Waste Management
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Prof. dr. Umar Fahmi Achmadi, MPH., Ph.D.
Expertise: Environmental Health Epidemiology, Basic od Environmental Health, Zoonosis
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Prof. Dr. Budi Haryanto, S.K.M., M.K.M., M.Sc
Expertise: Air Pollution Epidemiology and Surveillance, Climate Change
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Prof. Dr. Dewi Susanna, dra, M.Si.
Expertise: Vectorborne disease and health
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Dr. Zakianis, S.K.M., M.Kes
Expertise: Waste Management, Food Contamination, and Water & Health
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Dr. Ema Hermawati, S.Si., M.K.M
Expertise: Food Microbiology
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

Dr. Budi Hartono, S.Si., M.K.M
Expertise: Food Contamination and Environmental Health Risk Analysis
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

dr. Agustin Kusumayati, MSc., Ph.D
Expertise: Food Contamination, Food-borne Disease, and Adolescent Reproductive Health
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Scopus profile and Google scholar profile

drs. Abdur Rahman, M.Env.
Expertise: Environmental Health Chemistry, Environmental Health Risk Analysis
Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Google scholar profile