


Peer Review Process

The journal employs a peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. The peer review process is through the double-blind review, meaning two peers will review each article.

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Publication Flow

Articles submitted to Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global (National Journal of Global Environmental Health) should undergo an initial plagiarism screening. Articles with more than 20% similarity or those not adhering to the author guidelines will be automatically rejected. Articles passing this initial screening will proceed through the following steps:

Handling Editor Assignment:

  • The "Comments for Editor" field filled out by the authors will determine the assignment of the handling editor.
Quality Check by Handling Editor:
  • The handling editor will assess the quality of the articles.
  • Articles deemed unacceptable by the handling editor will be archived. Accepted articles will proceed to the double-blind review process.
Double-Blind Review Process:
  • The handling editor will select reviewers for the double-blind review process.
  • If both selected reviewers reject the articles, they will be automatically rejected. If only one reviewer rejects, the handling editor will select an additional reviewer.
  • If both reviewers accept, authors will need to revise their articles based on the reviewers' comments and suggestions.
Revision and Further Review:
  • The handling editor will check the authors' revisions and decide whether the article requires a second or third review process.
Final Decision:
  • The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision to accept the manuscript. Once accepted, the authors will need to pay the article processing charge (APC), and a letter of acceptance (LoA) will be issued.
  • If no further revisions are needed, the article will be proofread by a native proofreading service, with the cost charged to the authors.
Final Check and Publication:
  • The final step involves a thorough check (structure, grammar, adherence to author guidelines, etc.) before the layout process.
  • Authors will be sent a dummy and proof approval letter for final checks before publication. Once published, no further revisions can be made except for names and affiliations.
  • The estimated time from article submission to publication is 60-90 days.

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Authorship and Plagiarism

Authorship of articles should be limited to those who have contributed sufficiently to take public responsibility for the contents. These contributions include (a) conception and design, analysis and interpretation of data, or both; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; (c) final approval of the version to be published; and (d) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work by ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Submission to the Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global (National Journal of Global Environmental Health) is interpreted by the journal to mean that all the listed authors have agreed with all of the articles content.

The corresponding author must ensure that:

  • The article is an original work and does not involve fraud, fabrication, or plagiarism.
  • The article has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • If accepted by Jurnal Nasional Kesehatan Lingkungan Global (National Journal of Global Environmental Health), the article will not be submitted for publication to any other journal.
  • The article contains no defamatory or unlawful statements and does not contain any materials that infringe upon individual privacy, proprietary rights, or any statutory copyright.
  • Authors should have written permission from owners for any copyrighted works.
  • All authors have made significant contributions to the study, including the conception and design of the article, the analysis of the data, and the writing of the manuscript.
  • All authors have reviewed the manuscript, take responsibility for its content, and approve for its publication.
  • All authors are aware of and agree to the terms of this publishing agreement.

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