Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, high quality original articles and authoritative reviews that focus on the field of media and communication. All articles are published fully Open Access. The journal is managed and published by Department of Communication at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indonesia.
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Current Issue: Volume 13, Number 2 (2024)
The Politics of Science Communication in Indonesia: Understanding the Role of Science Academies
Uswatul Chabibah, Nur Rafiza Putri, Inaya Rakhmani, Muhamad Burhanudin, and Wahyu Adiningtyas
Framing The Future: Exploring AI Narratives in Indonesian Online Media Using Topic Modelling
Adi Wibowo Octavianto, Ambang Priyonggo, and Yearry Panji Setianto
Transforming WhatsApp and Zoom into Religious Space: A Digital Ethnography of an Online Meditation Community in Indonesia
Wirawan Wirawan and Rudi Sukandar
Disaster Reporting in Indonesian National Online Media: Agenda Setting and Sentiment Analysis
Erwin Rasyid, Erni Saharuddin, and Zahro Varisna Rohmadani
Green Advertising Effectiveness: Brand Image and Green Trust Among Generation Y and Z
Jessica Vanessa and Angga Ariestya
Implementation of Violations of the ITE Law Article 27 Verse (2) of 2016 Concerning Promotion of Online Gambling by Influencers in Indonesia
Mohammad Fawaid Pradika, Lukman Taufik Tri Hidayat, Achmad Habib Dwi Prakoso, and Aasim Ahmad Khan
Cyber Crime Against Women's Personal Data on Online Platforms and The Role of PDP Laws
Ambar Alimatur Rosyidah, Farah Fajriyah, and Rahayu Rahayu
Representation of LGBTQ Identity on Social Media: Multimodality Analysis on Instagram Account @yayasangayanusantara
Muhammad Fauzi Fitri Andika, Ana Indriastuti, Khoirunnisa Nur Fithria, Pramudya Ardhika Hernanto, and Tutik Wijayanti
Female Fandom in The Digital Era: ‘Alternative Universe’ for Promoting Thai Boys Love Drama
Monika Sri Yuliarti
Hierarchy of Influence on the Implementation of Search Engine Optimization in the Tribun-Bali.com Newsroom
Oktava Anggara, Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, and Ni Luh Ramaswati Purnawan
The Role of Indonesian Doctors as Content Creators in Fighting Health Hoaxes, Myths, and Stigma on Social Media
Lydia Okva Anjelia, Deddy Mulyana, and Jenny Ratna Suminar