
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, high quality original articles and authoritative reviews that focus on the field of media and communication. All articles are published fully Open Access. The journal is managed and published by Department of Communication at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indonesia.

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How do the media protect public interest and uphold democracy during media commercialization? This is a question that continues to be relevant from the era of analogue to digital media.

This issue is important to research and discuss because media should be in favor of the public interest, instead of the power. Prioritizing public interest is not easy with the growth of media that adopts capitalist logic and focuses on the interests of capital owners. Media are also required to maintain democracy by ensuring that variety of perspectives are represented in the news.

The digital era is an opportunity to encourage the development of media that are more concerned with the public interest. However, such opportunity has been used more by old players to strengthen their presence in the oligarchic market of the media.

This phenomenon has not widely addressed by researchers. Many studies celebrate the birth of new media in the digital era, especially new forms of media products that are integrated with social media, leaving the gap regarding the role of media in siding with public interest and upholding democracy.

Current Issue: Volume 13, Number 1 (2024)



Centennials Information Ecosystem: A Portrait of Gen Z as Potential Information Consumers of Mainstream Media
Andalusia Neneng Permatasari, Ratri Rizki Kusumalestari, Arbaiyah Satriani, Yuki Jauza Hasna Afyadi, and Sarry Shafina Saraswati