Publication Ethics | Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia | Faculty of Social and Political Sciences | Universitas Indonesia


Publication Ethics

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia creates a culture of publication integrity together. Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and to supporting ethical research practices. We take publication ethics very seriously. We require authors to:

  1. Submit only entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
  2. Declare to your chosen journal that your manuscript is not published elsewhere
  3. Declare any conflicts of interest
  4. Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript
  5. Include appropriate funding statements in the manuscript
  6. Encourage authors to apply ethic clearance provided by formal institutions
  7. Provide number of ethic clearance to assure participants’ rights are protected
  8. Be alert to bias and follow guidelines for accurate and complete reporting of research
  9. Inform the journal if you subsequently find errors in your research
  10. Sign a copyright agreement