Volume 10, Issue 4(2015)
Original Articles
Effect of Ambient Particulate Matter 2.5 Micrometer (PM2.5) to Prevalence of Impaired Lung Function and Asthma in Tangerang and Makassar
Budi Haryanto, Budy Resosoedarmo, Sri Tjahjani Budi Utami, Budi Hartono, and Ema Hermawati
Birth Intervals among Multiparous Women in Indonesia
Dini Kurniawati and Sabarinah Prasetyo
Husband’s Support towards Unmet Need of HIV Positive-Infected Women of Childbearing Age
Sophia Sophia, Anita Deborah Anwar, and Bony Wiem Lestari
Impact of Husband’s Participation in Antenatal Care on the Use of Skilled Birth Attendant
Febri Wicaksono
Child Health Improvement through Implementation of Food Safety Model
Arief Safari, Machfud Machfud, Eriyatno Eriyatno, and Heny Kuswanti Daryanto
Housewives’ Compliance in Reading Food Labels in Gorontalo City
Imran Tumenggung, Lucky Herawati, and Sofyawati Talibo
The Effect of Structured Counseling towards Knowledge, Attitude, and Participation of Modern Contraceptive among Unmet Need Couples
Herlina Simanjuntak, Bony Wiem Lestari, and Anita Debora Anwar