
Jurnal Ilmu Informasi, Perpustakaan, dan Kearsipan (JIPK), translated as the Information, Library and Archive Science Journal, is a journal published by the Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia. JIPK is a scholarly journal accredited by Decree of the Directorate General of Research Reinforcement and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14/E/KPT/2019, 10 Mei 2019. JIPK is a Sinta indexed journal (S4) and publishes two issues per year, in April and October.

As per 1 October 2023, the website of Jurnal Ilmu Informasi, Perpustakaan, dan Kearsipan (JIPK) has moved to this website to provide greater quality access to the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 26, Number 1 (2024)
