
Bahasa Abstract

1). Oppenheim. L. International Law a prestise, Vol I, Peace, 8th edition, Longmans, 692.

2). Kompas, tajuk rencana, Rabu 24·3·1976, hal IV.

3). Dietz lohn P., Deportation in the United States, Great Britain and International law , The Internati0nal Lawyer April 1973, vol 7 no 2 hal 326.

4) Time, No. 29, 1976 hal 49.

5) Siaran Warta Becita RRI, tg 11-1-1977

6) Oppenheim, opcit, hal 691.

7) Immigration and alien Registration Law of The Philippines, The Espina Philippine Immigration act of 1940, hal 61.

8). Suntjaya, Brigadir lendral Polisi, Markas Besar Kepolisian RI, Himpunan Peraturan Perundang-undangan ten tang masalah Orang Asing. hal 83.

9) Dietz John P, opcet hal 349.

10). LA.Shearer, Extradition in International Law. Manchester University Press Oceana Publication Int, hal 76; L Oppenheim opcit hal 693.

11) O'Connell DP LId, (Cantab), International Law, 2 nd edition. vol 2, London Stevens & Sons, 1970 hal 709, 710. juga Iihat L.Oppenheim, locit . . . . as Internasional Law provides no detailed rules regarding expUlsion, everything'depends upon the merits of the individual ease.

12). Soenaryo. Mr. Masalah·masalah di sekitar soal wa'ga negara dan orang asing, Penerbit Herapan Masa (P.C.R.L), tanpa tahun,-hal 17.

13). Dietz, John P., Opcit, hal 348, dikutip oleh lohn P.Dietz dari Wolfgang Friedman, Oliver L.Lissithyn, Richard C. Pugh, Inter- national Law - Cases and materials, 747, West Publishing Co, the Perul, Minn (1969).
