

1) Beberapa Masalah dalam Rangka Joint Venture di Indonesia (29 Agustus 1975), halaman 4.

2) Eugene Staley & Richard Morse, "Modern Small Industry for Developing COuntries (Stanfor Research Institute) International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill Book, Tokyo 1965, dst.

3) Adolf Warouw, S.H., Beberapa Masalahan dalam rankga Joint Venture di Indonesia," 6 Agustus 1975

4) Pidato Pengukuhan Prof. Dr. Emil Salim berjudul "Perencanaan Pengaturan & Peraturan Pendapatan (14 Februari 1976)

5) Surat Edaran Direksi Bank Indonesia No. SE/7/51/UPK tanggal 31 Maret 1975

6) Georgia Institute of Technology, "Employment Generation Through stimulation of small industries: An International Contemplation of scale industry definitions (1975)
