"Status Hukum CIMON AI dalam Misi Antariksa ISS berdasarkan Hukum Antariksa" by Mochamad Rizcky Patria Putra and Irawati Handayani




Humans require assistance to support the tasks assigned to them to achieve the predetermined success in a space mission. Consequently, humans have developed artificial intelligence technology. One of the AI technologies utilized is the Crew Interactive Mobile Companion (CIMON), which results from collaboration between several space agencies and organizations, both government and private. Based on space law regulations, CIMON AI raises questions as it serves two main functions in space law: as an astronaut with a legal personality and as an object launched into space. This study aims to examine the legal status of CIMON AI in space law and analyze the safety standardization aspects of using CIMON AI on the International Space Station from the perspective of space law. It turns out that CIMON AI doesn’t have a legal personality based on corpus juris spatialis because it’s a space object whose legal responsibility is attached to the entity authorized to manage CIMON AI which now still has to increase its attention to safety standards due to inadequate legal arrangements which can ensure the implementation of activities in outer space runs according to the regulations applicable in space.

Bahasa Abstract

Manusia memerlukan bantuan untuk menunjang kinerja yang dibebankan padanya guna mencapai keberhasilan yang telah ditetapkan dalam sebuah misi luar angkasa sehingga dalam perkembangannya manusia menciptakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan. Salah satu teknologi yang telah digunakan adalah Crew Interactive Mobile Companion (CIMON) yang dibuat atas hasil kerjasama beberapa badan antariksa dan organisasi baik pemerintah maupun swasta berdasarkan rezim hukum ruang angkasa, CIMON AI memunculkan pertanyaan karena memiliki dua fungsi utama dalam hukum ruang angkasa yaitu sebagai astronot yang memiliki personalitas hukum dan sebagai objek yang diluncurkan ke ruang angkasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status hukum yang relevan bagi CIMON AI dalam hukum ruang angkasa serta untuk menganalisis aspek – aspek standarisasi keselamatan bagi pemanfaatan CIMON AI di stasiun luar angkasa internasional berdasarkan perspektif hukum ruang angkasa. Faktanya diketahui bahwa CIMON AI tidak memiliki personalitas hukum berdasarkan corpus juris spatialis dikarenakan merupakan objek antariksa yang pertanggungjawaban hukumnya dilekatkan pada entitas yang berwenang untuk mengelola CIMON AI yang pada saat ini masih harus meningkatkan perhatiannya pada standarisasi keselamatan akibat belum memadainya pengaturan hukum yang dapat memastikan penyelenggaraan aktivitas di ruang angkasa berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di antariksa.



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Ruhana, Ema, “Cimon Calon Penghuni Baru di Stasiun Luar Angkasa”, https://nationalgeographic.grid.id/read/13309633/cimon-calon-penghuni-baru-di-stasiun-luar-angkasa.

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Muthyala, Shivani, “CIMON 1: The First Free Flying AI Astronout Asisstant”, https://www.analyticsinsight.net/ai-astronaut-cimon-worlds-first-flying-ai-assistant-into-iss/.

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Wolf, Kip, “AI, Data Integrity, & The Life Sciences: Let's Not Wait Until Someone Dies”, https://tunnellconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/AI-Data-Integrity-The-Life-Sciences-Let%E2%80%99s-Not-Wait-Until-Someone-Dies.pdf.

Muthyala, Shivani, “CIMON 1: The First Free Flying AI Astronout Asisstant”, https://www.analyticsinsight.net/ai-astronaut-cimon-worlds-first-flying-ai-assistant-into-iss/.

Wall, Mike, “Meet CIMON, the 1st Robot With Artificial Intelligence to Fly in Space”, https://www.space.com/41041-artificial-intelligence-cimon-space-exploration.html.

Airbus, “Astronaut Assistant CIMON-2 Is On Its Way To The International Space Station”, https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-12-astronaut-assistant-cimon-2-is-on-its-way-to-the-international.

IBM Newsroom, “CIMON-2 Masters Its Debut on the International Space Station”, https://newsroom.ibm.com/2020-04-15-CIMON-2-Masters-Its-Debut-on-the-International-Space-Station.

Wall, Mike, “New,Emotionally Intelligent Robot CIMON 2 Heads to Space Station”, https://www.space.com/cimon-2-artificial-intelligence-robot-space-station.html.

Unoosa Organization, “Commite On The Peaceful Uses of Outer Space”, https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/copuos/index.html.

Supreme Court of United States of America, “Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 621 F.3d 111 (2d Cir. 2010), The Cour On”, https://definitions.uslegal.com/i/international-person/.

Schmelzer, Ron, “Legal Personhood of Artificial Intelligence System”, https://primelegal.in/2020/12/22/legal-personhood-of-artificial-intelligence-system/.

Azoulay, Audrey, “UNESCO Member States Adopt the First Ever Global Agreement on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”, https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-member-states-adopt-first-ever-global-agreement-ethics-artificial-intelligence.

Space Safety Magazine, “Investigating Space Accidents: An Introduction”, https://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/space-debris/ianvestigating-space-accidents-introduction/.

Laukyte,M.Artificial and Autonomous: A Person? In Social Computing, Social Cognition, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems Social Turndisusun oleh G. Dodig-Crnkovic (dkk), Birmingham-UK,AISB/IACAP World Congress, 2-6 Juli 2012.

Truszkowski, W, Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems in NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering, Compiled by Mike Hincey, (London : Springer London,2017.

Sergeevitch, Kharlanov, dkk, The Concept Of Machines For The Exploration Of The Universe And Artificial Intelligence Systems In Space Missions, Paper Presented at the Practice Oriented Science: UAE – Russia– India, 16 Oktober 2023.

Girimonte, Daniela dan Dario Izzo, Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications in Intelligent Computing Everywhere compiled by Alfons J. Schuster, (London: Springer London, 2007).

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