



WTO commitments, particularly related to intellectual property rights in the TRIPS Agreement, could potentially hinder efforts to increase access to medicines and vaccines during the Covid-19 pandemic. In time of emergency, these commitments can be overridden using the WTO security exceptions clause. This article compares the WTO security exceptions to general exceptions in Article XX of the GATT 1994 and non-precluded measures in the Argentina-US BIT, India-Germany BIT, and India-Mauritius BIT, and analyses how the Covid-19 pandemic can be a valid reason to waive the obligations under the TRIPS Agreement using the security exceptions clause. In particular, this article discusses how this pandemic has resulted in an “emergency in international relations” and the waiver of obligations in the TRIPS Agreement for public health and safety qualify as “essential security interests”.

Bahasa Abstract

Komitmen-komitmen WTO, khususnya terkait hak atas kekayaan intelektual dalam Perjanjian TRIPS, berpotensi menghambat peningkatan akses terhadap obat-obatan dan vaksin dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19. Dalam keadaan darurat, komitmen-komitmen tersebut dapat dikesampingkan menggunakan klausul security exceptions WTO. Tulisan ini membandingkan pengaturan security exceptions WTO dengan general exceptions di Pasal XX GATT 1994 dan non-precluded measures di BIT Argentina-AS, BIT India-Jerman, dan BIT India-Mauritius, dan menganalisis bagaimana pandemi Covid-19 dapat menjadi alasan yang sah untuk mengesampingkan kewajiban dalam Perjanjian TRIPS menggunakan klausul security exceptions. Secara khusus, tulisan ini membahas bagaimana pandemi ini telah mengakibatkan sebuah “emergency in international relations” dan bahwa pengesampingan kewajiban-kewajiban dalam Perjanjian TRIPS bagi kesehatan dan keselamatan masyarakat memenuhi syarat sebagai “essential security interests”.


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