

The Third Party Funding (TPF) concept is an alternative method of funding usually applies in the dispute resolution process. Recently, the TPF concept has often been used in the process of resolving international arbitration disputes, both commercial and investment. This paper analyses the TPF concept and practices in several states, and its possible application in Indonesia. In particular, this paper discusses efforts made to regulate the TPF both in national law of several jurisdictions and in the international level, key issues within TPF in relation to the arbitration dispute resolution, and the TPF key provisions to be considered should Indonesia decides to apply such concept within its jurisdiction.

Bahasa Abstract

Konsep Third Party Funding (TPF) adalah suatu metode alternatif pendanaan yang biasanya ditemukan dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa (dispute resolution). Belakangan ini, konsep TPF kerap ditemukan dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa arbitrase internasional baik arbitrase komersial (commercial arbitration) maupun arbitrase investasi (investment arbitration). Tulisan ini menganalisis konsep dan praktik TPF di berbagai negara, dan kemungkinan penerapannya di Indonesia. Secara khusus, tulisan ini membahas upaya-upaya pengaturan TPF dalam hukum nasional di beberapa negara dan dalam hukum internasional, isu-isu penting dalam TPF dalam kaitannya dengan penyelesaian sengketa arbitrase, dan kemungkinan pengaturan konsep TPF ke dalam penyelesaian sengketa arbitrase di Indonesia.


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