



This paper discusses three legal precedents regarding the legal personhood of nature in three countries; Ecuador, New Zealand, and India. Each country has recognized some natural areas as legal persons through different means. In Ecuador, the rights of nature, which resemble legal personhood of the nature, are recognized in the 2008 Amendment of Ecuador Constitution. Meanwhile, New Zealand has recognized the legal personhood of Whanganui River through legislated settlement treaty between the government and Maori peoples. Whereas in India, the rivers of Ganges and Yamuna have been recognized its legal personhood through the Uttarakhand High Court’s decisions. These three legal precedents are a very important breakthrough in legal studies regarding “who”, “whom” and now “what”, are recognized as a legal person. This article contains descriptions of the three precedents aforementioned which will be explored further in terms of possible advantages and also weaknesses that came with by recognizing nature as legal person.

Bahasa Abstract

Tulisan ini membahas mengenai tiga preseden hukum di Ekuador, Selandia Baru, dan India dalam hal penyematan subyek hukum kepada alam. Ekuador memberikan hak- hak tertentu untuk alam yang dicantumkan dalam amandemen konstitusi tahun 2008, Sungai Whanganui di Selandia Baru menjadi subyek hukum melalui proses legislasi, dan dua putusan di HC Uttarakhand India yang memutuskan Sungai Gangga, Sungai Yamuna, beserta seluruh atributnya dari hulu hingga hilir sebagai subyek hukum. Tiga perkembangan alam sebagai subyek hukum tersebut bisa dibilang merupakan perkembangan penting dalam studi mengenai “legal person” setelah perempuan dan korporasi yang terjadi beberapa dekade belakangan. Tulisan ini berisikan deskripsi atas preseden yang terjadi di tiga negara diatas beserta dengan eksplorasi atas kelemahan-kelemahan yang mungkin timbul dengan menyematkan alam sebagai subyek hukum.


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