



One of human rights guaranteed and protected in the 1945 Constitution is the right to live and maintain life, stated in Article 28 A of the 1945 Constitution. The right to live and maintain life is the highest right that is inherent in human beings as the subject of law since humans were born to death in the world. The right to live and maintain life is not only inherent in human beings who have been born, but also in humans or children who are still in the womb, stated in Article II of the Civil Code that "Children are considered to have been born when interest is desired. However, in fact the guarantee and protection of the right to live and maintain life has been neglected in line with the legalization of abortion against victims of rape crimes stated in Law Number 36 Year 2009 concerning health. The legalization of abortion against victims of rape crimes certainly has drawn polemics in various circles, namely between pro life and pro choice groups.

Bahasa Abstract

Salah satu HAM yang dijamin dan dilindungi di dalam UUD 1945 adalah hak untuk hidup dan mempertahankan kehidupan, dinyatakan dalam Pasal 28 A UUD 1945. Hak untuk hidup dan mempertahankan kehidupan merupakan hak tertinggi yang melekat pada diri manusia sebagai subjek hukum sejak manusia tersebut lahir hingga meninggal dunia. Hak untuk hidup dan mempertahankan kehidupan ini tidak hanya melekat pada manusia yang telah dilahirkan, melainkan juga pada manusia atau anak yang masih dalam kandungan, dinyatakan dalam Pasal II Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata bahwa “Anak dianggap telah dilahirkan bilamana kepentingan menghendaki. Namun, nyatanya jaminan dan perlindungan atas hak hidup dan mempertahankan kehidupan tersebut telah terabaikan sejalan dengan dilegalkannya aborsi terhadap korban tindak pidana perkosaan yang dinyatakan dalam Undang- Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan. Dilegalkannya aborsi terhadap korban tindak pidana perkosaan tentu telah menuai polemik di berbagai kalangan, yakni antara kelompok pro life dan pro choice.



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1945 Constitution

The Criminal Code Code of Civil law Law Number 36 Year 2009 concerning Health

Law Number 13 Year 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims juncto Law Number 31 Year 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 13 Year 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims

Government Regulation Number 61 Year 2014 concerning Reproductive Health


Great Indonesian Dictionary


https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trauma_psikologis, http://klikkabar.com/2016/05/12/kekerasan-seksual-tempati-peringkat-ke-dua http://tina28net.blogspott.co.id/2014/05/aborsi-pada-remaja.html?m=1

Other Sources

The People's Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, without the year, "Academic Manuscript of the Draft Law on Health"

MUI Fatwa Number 4 of 2005 concerning AbortionThe Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, without year, "Academic Manuscript on Draft Law on Health"

----------------, without years, "Academic Manuscrip on Draft Government Regulation on Reproductive Health.
