



The presence of application-based taxis such as Grabcar and Gocar is a challenge for conventional taxis. Its existence can be reduced to conventional taxi company turnover. On March 22, 2016 thousands of conventional taxi drivers held a demonstration against the existence of online taxis, because online taxis were declared in violation of the Traffic Law and consequently the streets in Jakarta were chaotic. The existence of online taxis cannot be avoided any more, due to technological developments. Online taxis provide benefits and convenience for passengers in ordering and the rates are cheaper than conventional taxi rates. Anyone who has a cellphone and downloads the application, can order the online taxi and pick him up at the place where the passenger booked it. Therefore, the Government through the Ministry of Transportation issued Ministerial Regulation No. 32/2016 which recognizes the existence of online taxis in Indonesia and this Ministerial Regulation is revised through Ministerial Regulation No. 26/2017 and revised again to become Ministerial Regulation No. 108/2017.

Bahasa Abstract

Hadirnya taksi berbasis aplikasi seperti Grabcar dan Gocar menjadi suatu tantangan bagi taksi konvensional. Keberadaannya ditengarahi dapat mengurangi omset perusahaan taksi konvensional. Pada tanggal 22 Maret 2016 ribuan sopir taksi konvensional mengadakan demonstrasi menentang keberadaaan taksi online tersebut, karena taksi online dinyatakan melanggar Undang-undang Lalu Lintas dan akibatnya jalan-jalan di Jakarta chaos. Keberadaan taksi online tidak dapat dihindari, karena perkembangan teknologi. Taksi online memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan bagi penumpang dalam mengordernya dan tarifnya lebih murah daripada tarif taksi konvensional. Siapapun yang mempunyai handphone dan mendownload applikasinya, maka dia dapat memesan taksi online tersebut dan menjemputnya ditempat dimana penumpang memesannya. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perhubungan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri No. 32/2016 yang mengakui keberadaan taksi online di Indonesia dan yang telah direvisi menjadi Peraturan Menteri No. 26/2017 dan direvisi lagi menjadi Peraturan Menteri No. 108/2017.


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