"ANALYSIS OF PATTERN OF WATER DEMAND AND SUPPLY" by Ishaku Dibal Joshua, Abdullahi Chado Salihu et al.

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Sustainable Development


Gombi rural community of Adamawa state, Nigeria, has witnessed significant growth in human population, which has contributed to an increase in water demand. Thus, the study analyzed water demand and supply patterns in Gombi communities of Adamawa State, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics such as mean and percentages and inferential statistics like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), chi-square, and linear regression were adopted for the analysis. The results on socioeconomic characteristics showed that the majority were females, with low household income levels, large household sizes, and in their active ages. Hand-dug well water was the primary water source (44.2%) in the communities. The average water used in the area was 448.9 liters, an average of 49.9 liters per capita per day (L/c/d) less than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard of 70 L/c/d - 100 L/c/d. More so, water used for agricultural and commercial purposes averages 851 and 348 liters daily, respectively. Overall, drinking and cooking consume less than 3.2% and 2.4% of all the water used daily in the study area. The study identified four factors affecting the area's water supply: water facilities, climatic conditions, groundwater presence, and human activities. The water demand projection for the next ten years from 2022-2031 in the study area showed that the water demand will rise to 7,100,590.82 liters at the rate of 49.9 L/c/d due to its linear relationship with population growth, which stands at 2.9% per annum. The study recommended constructing mini-water projects to cater to the water needs of the populace. In addition, there should be sensitization campaigns against dumping refuse in groundwater, which is a significant water source in the Gombi community.


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