
About This Journal

As a realization of continuous improvement, we would like to proudly inform you that started from November 2019, our journal has been migrated to Bepress Digital Common Platform from California, USA. This migration is one of our commitments to spread the information more widely to the readers of the journal and give more benefits both for the authors and readers of the journal.

The new website of our journal is https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/jessd/. The previous website (www.jessd.ui.ac.id) is not available anymore, only as an archive. For any kind of information and submission please refer to this new website.

About The Journal

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a biannual refereed journal which provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, as well as community representatives to examine, exchange, and reflect on a wide range of issues related to environmental science and sustainable development in the develop and developing countries. The JESSD aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and understandings of the theoretical, methodological, approaches, and practical dimensions of environmental science and sustainable development issues. Published by School of Environmental Science of Universitas Indonesia as a free and open access journal, JESSD contributes some novelties to current research in relevant fields. The first edition was published in December 2018 an we published twice a year (July and December).

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia

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