"Waterhammer in Ash Slurry Disposal Pipelines" by Biprodip Mukherjee, Subhasish Das et al.

Article Classification

Sustainable Development


Coal-ash slurry transportation via pipelines has been accepted as a potential, economical, and dependable mode of two-phase flow of solid-liquid transportation. It is solid-liquid transportation where the ash slurry generally flows through mild steel, and a good amount of pump energy and pressure is required to convey the slurry with a density above 1220 kg/m3. The study is basically on the water hammer analysis of ash slurry conveying pipes. Nevertheless, since the hammer analysis is typically carried out in normal water, the study of ash slurry is compared to the know criteria of potable water. The study aims to understand the flow characteristics of such pipelines. Investigators worldwide have been analyzing the flow experimentally, numerically, and theoretically. HAMMER and WaterGEMS software was used to carry out the hydraulic analysis of such pipelines and to monitor the maximum transient pressure head being developed. The above software was further used to monitor the maximum transient pressure head being developed due to a sudden power failure which caused the stoppage of the regular pump operation. A transient stress analysis was performed on the pipelines where the maximum transient pressure head was detected. For necessary safety measurements of the pipelines, the ultimate transient stresses were computed from the parameters observed in the software results to find whether such pipes are safe. In the same system, the transient head observed due to the slurry hammer was approximately two times the transient head observed in the water flow. The operational pressure incorporates the slurry pipeline pressure at a steady state to surmount friction and static heads. The code requires that the pressure level increase due to surges not exceeding at any time the internal design and implemented pressure of more than 10%.


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