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Environmental Science


Despite establishing waste management boards and environmental agencies across states in Southwest Nigeria, household waste disposal remains poorly managed, with low consideration given to its reuse and recycling. Previous research has established the menace of improper household waste disposal in Nigeria. This paper examines women's household waste disposal methods and their awareness, willingness, and interest in waste management and recycling. This study was conducted in November 2021 with a sample of 436 women selected across six communities in 3 States in Southwest Nigeria (Lagos, Osun, and Ekiti states). In each state, one rural and urban Community is selected. Descriptive analysis and the ordered logistic regression estimation method were used to estimate the likelihood of women's interest in waste management and recycling. The Odd Ratio and the probability value at a 95% significance level were considered a measure of the strength of association between the variables. Most households in the communities had no evidence of waste trolleys or waste containers. Only 28% of respondent indicates an awareness of waste recycling. At the same time, statistical regression reveals Christians have high chance (Odd Ratio 30, 95% p<0.001) than the Muslim women (Odd Ratio10, p<0.001), having secondary education (Odd Ratio 8.9) and working in the informal sector (Odd Ratio 11.9) have positive association with women interests in waste management and recycling. At the same time, social stigmatization exhibits a negative relationship. Government participation in waste management and recycling was found inadequate and need to be upgraded to help provide a clean environment and support for waste-wealth creation among women. This paper argues that women's interest in recycling for wealth creation and a good environment is to be incorporated into the waste management and recycling process with adequate support.


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