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Sustainable Development


The purpose of the research is to analyze the prospects for the agriculture development in the Central Asian region and Tajikistan in particular, in terms of identifying the main favorable and constraining factors for the further agriculture development. The Pyanj river is one of the main tributaries of the Transboundary Amu Darya River in the Central Asian region, whose waters are a source of drinking water supply for the population and 80% used for irrigation of agricultural land. The trend of deteriorating water quality of Central Asian River systems recently has been increasing, and monitoring water quality from the formation zone to the downstream of the rivers is a problem in the region. The statistical methods and Pearson correlation to the meteorological conditions monitoring of the river basins were used. In the Laboratory of Environment and Geology of the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA), as well as in the Laboratory of Moisture Chemistry of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (USA) by use of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and ion chromatography was conducted the element analyses of waters. The physical and chemical analyses of water samples was conducted using the “TaLab” spectrophotometer following the relevant state standards. The suitability of water for irrigation were determined by the calculation of the coefficients of sodium adsorption (SAR), the percentage of sodium (Na%), the percentage of sodium solubility (SSP), and the percentage of exchangeable sodium (ESP). The contribution of the Gunt River to the enrichment of the main Pyanj River with Fe, Co, Ni, Sr, Ca, Mg, Na, and K elements are established. The assessment of the natural water quality of the Pyanj and Gunt rivers for irrigation was carried out using various index methods, such as SAR, ESP, SSP and %Na.


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