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Sustainable Development


In the worldwide, the impacts associated with the use of technological innovations and developmental processes in the built environment through the construction of buildings are phenomenal. This is noticeable in the literature on the role of green building practices in building construction, building operation and optimization, and building management; respectively. This has led stakeholders and policy drivers to adopt principles of sustainability by producing green building rating systems to assess building stock at different stages of their life cycle. Dealing with the issue, this paper aimed to review various attempts made by selected nations and other stakeholders to produce green building rating tools and focused on the need to develop a green building rating system for Nigeria to enhance the sustainability performance of the country’s building stock. Given the various efforts by countries around the world to develop green building assessment tools, the paper found and maintained that Nigeria as a geographical entity cannot decide to be left out of the global trend to achieve sustainability through the need to have its own Green Building Rating System. The paper, therefore, recommended that there is a need to consider various assessments of the existing green building in either tropical or temperate region around the world and have a domestic green building rating assessment for the country to ensure that sustainability of her building stock can be promoted.


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