
Article Classification

Environmental Science


Marine litter surveys can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of policies to prevent litter pollution. This study aims to use land-based marine litter distribution data to evaluate the waste management facilities at Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya. The survey was carried out by systematically dividing 120 m length of the beach into five transects, with each transect having a length of 20 m. The litter was collected from the highest strandline, three times within three weeks. The collected litter was identified by count, weight, density, material, and object category. The waste management facilities at the beach, consisting of waste bins and collection services, were identified by direct observation. Both the litter and waste management facilities data were analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the facilities provided. The survey results showed that the northern side of the beach featured a high litter density. The major litter materials collected on each transect were plastic, wood, and cardboard, while the major litter objects were related to food, beverage, packaging, and others. The absence of waste bins on the northern side possibly caused the high land-based marine litter density. In terms of segregation, the waste bins must be segregated by litter material, prioritizing plastic waste, while the waste collection frequency must be increased. Thus, the waste management facilities at Kenjeran were less effective and not data driven. Based on the land-based marine litter survey data, improvements in waste bin segregation and distribution and waste collection frequency are needed.


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