
Author Guidelines

Click here to download our instructions for authors


Translation and Proofreading

For manuscripts which need translation and/or proofreading, the fee will be charged to the author(s).

  1. Submission

Manuscripts are submitted through online submission.

For author submitting manuscript since July 2023, Journal of General-Procedural Dermatology & Venerology Indonesia will charge a submission fee of 20 USD (200 thousand IDR).

After clicking submit, author should attach the following data as additional files:

  • Cover letter
  • Study Ethics/informed consent
  • Full resolution photographs included in the manuscript (if any)
  • Licensing terms and conditions
  • Author consent form
  • Author Checklist form


Please notice that the maximum file size for manuscript is 5MB, full resolution photographs should be uploaded separately as additional files. Manuscripts must be written in American English. All authors should guarantee that the manuscript is original, has never been published, and will never be submitted elsewhere by filling the "Author Consent Form" form including description of Authors' Contributions.

the format for additional documents can be found here

If you have any difficulties please , please contact the editors.


 B. General Principles 

Manuscripts should be written with Arial font size 10 pt, single spacing, left and right aligned, on one sided page and A4 paper. Upper margin should be 3.5 cm or (1.38 inch), bottom margin 2.5 cm or (0.99 inch), left and right margin 2 cm or (0.79 inch) each. All pages must be numbered on the bottom right-hand corner.

Make sure that the manuscript is written in American English with the Standard English Grammar used. Manuscripts should be written in a clear, concise, and direct style. Products written in the manuscript must be referred to by its generic names. If the name of product should be written. Inside the manuscript, please include the name of manufacturer and country. (Example: Tewameter® (Courage+Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Germany). The using of species' common name must be followed by its scientific names in parentheses.

To reduce repetition of long terms, the using of abbreviations are allowed. Use full terms initially then followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter authors can use the abbreviation only. Terms/foreign language must be written in italics.

Generally, the manuscripts should be divided in sections with these following headings: Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.


 C. Ethical Consideration

It must be stated that all the protocols for research project have been approved by Ethic Committee of the institution. Research that includes human subjects must preserve anonymity of the subjects and a statement that all subjects gave informed consent. Ethical approval must be included in supplemental content


 D. Parts of Manuscripts

Original Articles (Max. 4500 Words)

  1. Abstract: maximum 250 words. Consist of summary of the study, divided by subheadings Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Keywords must be provided below the abstract.
  2. Background: 1-3 paragraphs consist of the background of the study, objectives of the study, and hypothesis that will be tested or questions that will be answered from the study. Background should show the state of art of the research, novelty of the manuscript and the gap analysis.
  3. Methods: explained about the details of how the study was conducted. Statistical methods of the study must be explained in this section including the software used. Statistical terms, symbols and abbreviations should be defined clearly.
  4. Results
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion: conclusion related to the objectives of the study.
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Author Contributions
  9. Conflict of Interest
  10. References

Case Report (Max. 3000 words)

  1. Abstract: maximum 250 words. Consist of summary of the problem considered and the way the study was performed. Keywords must be provided below the abstract.
  2. Background: 1-2 paragraphs consist of the explanation of the main problem and the purpose of the case report.
  3. Case Illustration: patient informed consent must be provided in this section
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Author Contributions
  8. Conflict of Interest
  9. References


Review Article (Max. 6000 words)

  1. Abstract: maximum 250 words. Consist of summary of the problem considered and the way the study was performed. Keywords must be provided below the abstract.
  2. Background: consist of 1 - 3 paragraphs of the main problem and the purpose of the review article
  3. Content: consist of comprehensive analysis of the topics.
  4. Conclusion
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Author Contributions
  7. Conflict of Interest
  8. References

Systematic Review (Max. 10.000 words)

  1. Abstract: maximum 250 words, consists of summary of the problem considered and how the study was performed. Keywords must be provided below the abstract.
  2. Background: consist of 1 - 3 paragraphs of the main problem and the purpose of the systematic review.
  3. Methods
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Author Contributions
  8. Conflict of Interests
  9. References

Brief Communication (Max. 1500 words)

  1. Abstract: maximum 150 words. Consist of brief explanations about the content of the text. Keywords must be provided below the abstract.
  2. Background
  3. Material and methods
  4. Results: maximum of 3 figures or tables are allowed.
  5. Discussion

E. Part of Manuscript

The Manuscript begin with a title page which contains:

  1. Title of the article
  2. Full name, institution, city, and country of all Authors
  3. Full name, address, e-mail address, telephone number of the corresponding authors


 F. Tables and Figures

Tables should be self-explanatory. The data contained in the tables must not be duplicated within text and figures. Tables should be written with Arial size 10 pt single spacing. Tables must be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic number.

All figures must be numbered consecutively in the text with Arabic number below the figure. Images must be supplied as JPEG or GIF files with minimum resolution of 300 dpi for black and white images, and 600 dpi for colour images. All figures must be supplied as a separate file with each figure labelled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Images should be cropped sufficiently to prevent recognition of the subject. The use of eye bar is acceptable. The consent from the subjects whose images are used is needed.

G. Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments must be written in the manuscript. People who contributed to the study but does not meet the criteria for authorship must be acknowledged and listed. The source of funding, financial grants, language editing must be acknowledged and listed. If a funding was given by a certain party but doesn’t have any conflict of interest in the results of the study may also be written as an acknowledgment (for example:  We would like to give our gratitude to Ministry of Education for providing research grant number xx/xxx/x).

 H. Author Contributions

Author contributions must be written in manuscript. Please state in initials which author(s) conceived the ideas, collected the data, analysed the data, and collected the writing. According to ICMJE guidelines, an “author” should:

  1. have made substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data
  2. have been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content
  3. have given final approval of the version to be published
  4. agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


All authors act as the guarantor of the manuscript. SW is the main investigator of this study. EM, MM, CO, DS, and SLM participated in the conception, data acquisition, data interpretation, and writing of the study. SW, CO and DS participated in data analysis and statistical analysis of the study.

 I. Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest must be written. This part should declare authors’ conflicts of interest, including sources of support for the work. Each author should submit a separate form of ICMJE Conflict of Interests http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/ and send it together at submission. Please write the disclosure statement from the ICMJE form in this part. If a certain pharmacy sponsored product to be used as a treatment of the study, the pharmacy must be listed as conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, the author should state as “No conflict of interest”.

 J. References

Vancouver system of referencing is required. In the text, references must be cited using superscript Arabic numeral sequentially as they appear in the text. For references cited in tables and figures (including one in their legends and footnotes), must be numbered sequentially according to the place where the table or figure is first cited. In the reference list, the names of 6 or less authors must all be cited. If there are 7 or more authors, list the first three followed by et al. All citations mentioned in the text must be listed.



Flanagan M. Wound healing and skin integrity, 1st ed. Chicester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2013.

Book Chapter

Alexander RG. Considerations in creating a beautiful smile. In: Romano R, editor. The art of the smile. London: Quintessence Publishing; 2005. p. 187-210.



Sibaud V, Dalenc F, Mourey L, Chevreau C. Paronychia and pyogenic granuloma induced by new anticancer mTOR inhibitors. Acta Derm Venereol. 2011;91(5):584-5.

Arisanty R, Tanuhardja B. Profil keganasan primer kulit tersering di Departemen Patologi Anatomik Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2005-2009. Majalah Patologi Indonesia. 2011;20(1):14-20. Indonesian.


Journal (> 7 authors)

Parodi A, Aste N, Calvieri C, et al. Metabolic syndrome prevalence in psoriasis: A cross-sectional study in the Italian population. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2014;15(1): 371-7.


Online Journal

Thomsen SF. (2014). Atopic dermatitis: Natural history, diagnosis, and treatmentISRN AllergyAccessed on July 11st, 2014 from http://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn.allergy/2014/354250/cta/.



Sorensen AL. Epidemiological and clinical studies on hand eczema in a population-based twin sample [unpublished dissertation]. Denmark (DK): University of Copenhagen; 2007.

To see further example, please refer to instruction for author. 


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The material has not been previously published and is not under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purposes or to any other parties.