The Indonesian Journal of International Law (IJIL) is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, and internationally recognized journal in the field of international law. IJIL serves as a forum for articles on international law generally while attempting to present materials and viewpoints from and/or about Indonesia and other parts of Asia and the developing world at large. Combining various thematic coverage, IJIL aims to present current practice and its theoretical reflection within the different branches of international law.
Starting from 2022, IJIL is indexed in Scopus and Ranked 1 in Indonesia's Science & Technology Index (SINTA).
Starting from Volume 21 No. 3 (April 2024), IJIL will no longer provide proofreading services due to a new financial policy established by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia. Therefore, authors whose article are accepted for publication will be responsible for proofreading their article according to the international publication standard before submission.
In order to help authors find suitable proofreaders, below is the exclusive list of those who can provide the proofreading services that the Journal have approved:
• Ms. Namira Izharaddina (
• Ms. Fariza Nasution (
• American Journal Experts (
Should you have further questions, please contact us via
Current Issue: Volume 22, Number 2 (2024)
Extraterritorial Jurisdictions: Implementation of Foreign Public Officials in United States, United Kingdom, and Indonesia
Jamin Ginting, Raden Febriarto Fadjar, and Patrick Talbot
The International Court of Justice and Clean Hands Doctrine: Shifting Approach With Reference to the Certain Iranian Assets Case
Atul Alexander and Tanay Khanna
The Need for the Enactment of Prize Law Legislation in Indonesia
Pornomo Rovan Astri Yoga
Problems of Obligation to Use Indonesian as Trademarks Against International Principles Concerning Words as Mark
Hosiana Daniel Adrian Gultom, Agus Sardjono, Henry Soelistyo Budi, and Untung Yuwono
The Potential Escalation of Strategic Partnership Conflicts in Indo-Pacific Region from the Aukus Trilateral Defense Fact
Yodia Adriatami Edwina and Yossica Ariatami Edwina