Manuscript type: Research Article
Research Aims: This study aimed to describe the elements of brand anthropomorphism and self-brand congruity based on the review of Guido and Peluso's conceptualization.
Design/methodology/approach: This study collected the data from generation Y respondents through semi-structured depth interviewing.
Research Findings: The critical finding provides the context of Asian consumers related to local brands. Emerging local brands can grow if the organization can manage them well.
Theoretical Contribution/Originality: It describes the elements of brand anthropomorphism associated with the domain of consumer-brand relationships among Asian consumers.
Practitioner/Policy Implication: The local brands should be perceived that all brands are not similar in the same category.
Research limitation/Implications: The elements of brand anthropomorphism can create brand personality.
Keywords: Brand anthropomorphism, brand congruity, brand personality.
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Recommended Citation
Mayasari, Iin and Haryanto, Handrix C.
"The Elements of Brand Anthropomorphism: Qualitative Investigation Into Local Brands Amongst Young Adult Consumers,"
ASEAN Marketing Journal: Vol. 14:
1, Article 4.
DOI: 10.21002/amj.v14i1.1150
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