Bahasa Abstract
Manuscript type: Research Article
Research Aims: This research aims to analyze online community environments, perceived brand image, brand identification, and their effect to brand love in the context of video game modification online communities.
Design/methodology/approach: This is quantitative research with three independent variables (Perceived Brand Image, Brand Identification, Online Community Environments) and one dependent variable (Brand Love). One hundred respondents are selected from Steam Workshop. Multiple regression is used to analyze the conceptual framework.
Research Findings: The result shows that all three independent variables (Perceived Brand Image, Brand Identification, and Online Community Environments) are statistically significant in influencing brand love.
Theoretical Contribution/Originality: Factors influencing brand love are still rigorously studied, and this research contributes to identifying new antecedents of brand love.
Practitioner/Policy Implication: By analyzing brand love and its antecedents, the video game industry can understand how to develop brand love, especially in a video game modification online community where mods can add value to a video game.
Research limitation/Implications: Relatively low number of respondents, preventing broader generalization. No differentiation among the different genres of a video game, where some video games provide different experiences, flexibility, and role-play and, thus, more opportunity to modify.
Keywords: Brand Community, Brand Identification, Brand Image, Brand Love, Online Community Environment.
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Recommended Citation
Hendrasto, Ferdian
"For Mod’s Sake! The Role of Perceived Brand Image, Brand Identification, and Online Community Environments in Building Brand Love,"
ASEAN Marketing Journal: Vol. 14:
1, Article 2.
DOI: 10.21002/amj.v14i1.1147
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