ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


Curriculum 2013 changes require teachers to be able to use technology the learning process until the stage of reporting learning outcomes, E-Report is one of the technologies used presenting learning outcomes. However, the problems today are that not all teachers can use the E-Report application. The purpose of this community service is to improve teacher’s ability to perform learning assessments based on the 2013 curriculum using the E-Report application. The method of community devotion activities is a method of instruction by providing training to teachers about E-Report application. Data retrieval is conducted using observations, tests, and questionnaires to participants. The number of teachers participating in this community service is 100 teachers at Vocational High School in South Tangerang. The results can be observed from the enthusiasm of the teacher in following a significant training activity of 90%, and an increased ability of teachers in understanding theoretically and implement the assessment of learning outcomes. According to the 2013 curriculum using the E-Report application at 88%, the community devotion activity increased the understanding and skills of teachers in conducting learning assessments.


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