Policies | ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement | Universitas Indonesia | Universitas Indonesia
ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


Publication Ethics in ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement is based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We have personalized this COPE for our journal as follows:

For detail of this ethics, you can find the explanation below.

Publisher Business Model

ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement is an Open Access journal that is affiliated with a Non-profit government institution. Our journal is an open access journal that allows the reader to read, download, copy, distribute, print, retrieve and link to the full text, and also retrieve access. The use of articles is free of charge with attributions to the authors. For authors, there are no charges for submission of a manuscript, article processing, publication of manuscripts or color reproduction of photographs. This model is supported by Universitas Indonesia, specifically, the University’s Directorate of Administration, Data and Management of Research and Innovation Products.

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Journal Business Model


AAll readers and authors of ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement can enjoy the benefits of the journal’s free and open access. We believe that free open access promotes accessibility and use throughout the world as well as supporting professionals, the scientific community, as well as the general public. Because there are no fees charged for access, submission and publication, ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement offsets the facilities including English Proofreading and long-term archiving with Bepress Digital Common.

Article Processing Charge

All articles submitted, accepted, and published in ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement are charged with no fees. This includes English Proofreading with ENAGO, Galley Proof, and long-term archiving with Bepress Digital Common. These facilities may not be delegated to any third party unless agreed to by the publisher and/or author

Additional Information

Management of this journal is monitored and audited regularly by the Directorate of Community Engagement and Empowerment Universitas Indonesia, ASEAN University Network, and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, as both founder and advisory board of ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement to ensure the quality of scientific publications.

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Authorship or a co-author means a person who has made a significant contribution to manuscript and shares responsibilities and/or accountability of the results/paper. If a manuscript is written by more than one author, please appoint one person to be the corresponding author. This person will manage all correspondence about the manuscript and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all the authors. Please note that If you are a co-author, this entails:

  1. You have made a significant contribution to the research, whether it is in the concept or design, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas.
  2. You have drafted, written, or revised the article.
  3. You have reviewed and agreed on the final version of the article before submission.
  4. You have agreed on the journal to which your manuscript will be submitted.
  5. You are aware that you are taking responsibility and accountability for the content of the manuscript.
  6. You are aware that the corresponding author will be acting on your behalf in any communication about the article, through submission, peer review, production, and after publication.
  7. You are aware that it is FORBIDDEN to use a self citation that has been published in ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement and/or with every article that is submitted in our journal.
  8. In line with standard publishing ethics, if your article is found to be unsafe, have errors, in some way fraudulent, or in breach of the publishing agreement, that responsibility is shared by all named co-authors.

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Author Contribution

Each author is expected to make substantial contributions to the design of the work; to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data; to the creation of new software used in the work; to the drafting or substantive revision of the work; and/or to the approval of the version submitted (and the version substantially modified by the staff of the journal, which includes the contribution of the author to the work).

Each author is expected to make substantial contributions to the design of the work; to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data; to the creation of new software used in the work; to the drafting or substantive revision of the work; and/or to the approval of the version submitted (and the version substantially modified by the staff of the journal, which includes the contribution of the author to the work). For each article with several authors, a short paragraph specifying their individual contributions must be provided. The following are several examples that can be used: "Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; Formal Analysis, X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Curation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.; Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; and Funding Acquisition, Y.Y.”. Please turn to the CRediT taxonomy (https://casrai.org/CRediT/) for an explanation of the term and background of the CRediT.

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Ethical Clearance

At the beginning of the submission process, the authors must confirm whether the manuscript has ethical clearance or not. If the ethical clearance is obtained, the information on the ethical clearance number should be provided.

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Plagiarism Screening

At the beginning of the submission process and before the article is published, ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement uses Similarity Check with iThenticate to prevent any suspected plagiarism in the manuscripts.

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Authors who may have grievances about any aspect of their interaction with the AJCE should e-mail the Editor-in-Chief by email at ajce@ui.ac.id. All questions or complaints will be responded to within 7 business days. If required, the Editor-in-Chief will consult with other editors regarding the complaint. The Editor-in-Chief will liaise directly with the complainant and thoroughly explain the steps they have taken to resolve the matter.

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Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors who submit their manuscripts to the ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement (AJCE) must disclose all relationships or interests that could influence, or bias the work. Although authors may not be aware of potential conflicts, the disclosure of relationships and interest affords a more transparent process, leading to an accurate and objective assessment of the work. A few potential conflicts of interests that are directly or indirectly related to the research may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Research grants from funding agencies (please give the research funder and the grant number)
  2. Honoraria for speaking at conferences
  3. Financial support for attending conferences
  4. Financial support for educational programs
  5. Support from a project sponsor
  6. Position on advisory board or board of directors or other types of management relationships
  7. Multiple affiliations
  8. Intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, copyrights and royalties from such rights)

The corresponding author of the manuscript will include a summary statement on the title page that is separate from their manuscript.

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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party without consent of related authors.

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The publishing rights are required by AJCE for publishing the articles. This is determined by a publishing agreement between the author and AJCE. This publishing agreement deals with the transfer of non-exclusive publishing rights to AJCE while the authors retain the copyright to the article if it is published in AJCE. For submitted manuscripts, AJCE is granted the following rights:

  1. The right to provide the manuscripts in all forms and media, so they can be used on the later issues.
  2. The authority to enforce the rights in the manuscript, on behalf of an author, for example in the case of plagiarism or copyright infringement.

Copyright of AJCE is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License to protect the specific way in which the manuscript has been written to describe the experiment and results. AJCE is pledged to its authors to protect and defend their research and take allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethic disputes and fraud. Moreover, this means that your manuscript can assure attribution of your work, by making sure you are identified as the author, and you can act as stewards of the scholarly record on your research.

Also, authors and readers can, for any reason, even commercially, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as well as remix, turn, and expand on the material, but they must provide sufficient credit (cite the article or content), provide a connection to the license, and indicate if changes have been created. authors must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original, if authors remix, transform, or expand upon the content.

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Publication Charges

The AJCE is an open access journal, it does not charge readers nor institutions for access. There are no charges for submission of a manuscript, article processing, publication of manuscripts or color reproduction of photographs. There is also no waiver policy.

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About this Publishing System

This journal uses Digital Commons which is a journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and distributed by Bepress.

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Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research available to the public for free supports a greater global exchange of knowledge in terms of community engagement. This journal is accessible to the public on the internet, permitting any users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and also to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the editorial staff will go through Initial Review processes by the Editorial Board. Afterwards, the articles will be sent to peer reviewers for the next step of the selection, the Double-Blind Review Process. As soon as the double blind review process is finished, the articles will be returned to the authors for revision. These processes can take up around 1 to 2 months. Each manuscript will be peer-reviewed in terms of the substantial and technical aspects. The peer review team are all experienced reviewers in the management and publication of national and international academic journals.

AJCE peer review process

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Opinions expressed in articles and creative pieces published on the AJCE are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or the publisher.

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ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement Universitas Indonesia is currently licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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Contents of the Journal are archived for perpetual access through Bepress Digital Common Publishing Platform, and Google Drive File Manager system. Once an article is published, the contents are never changed.

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Erratum and Corrigendum

All published articles in the ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement are subject to the editorial review process, organized by and under the auspices of the editors and reviewers. Should the authors wish to add anything to their article after notification of acceptance, they must submit a request and fill in the review form to the editorial board for the new content to be reviewed. Please pay attention to the following:

1. If the new material is added to the accepted article, it must be submitted again and will be reviewed as a new submission; and

2. If the new material should replace the original content of the accepted article, the editor may allow doing an erratum or a corrigendum.


An erratum refers to a correction of errors introduced to the article by the publisher.

Our journal will introduce changes which will be highlighted to the author(s) and any errors mentioned have to be corrected by the author(s) and sent to the journal before final publication. Authors who notice these errors and urgently need to revise these errors, please contact our journal manager by email to editor_ajce@ui.ac.id.


A corrigendum means that the author could request the preferred time that their article needs to be published. The authors should contact the editor journal which will consider any action for this. Our journal will only process a corrigendum to a published manuscript after receiving consent and briefing from the editor.

Example for the Erratum and Corrigendum


Name of Authors to Published Article. (Published Year). Title of Article. ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement, Number of Volume and Issue: Number of Page (DOI Link)

This article has been retracted by Publisher based on the following reason: Letter to Editor in Chief from Journal Editorial Board (Affiliation) and Reviewer (Affiliation) express that this manuscript, previously published in the Name of Journal (Volume, Number, Year, Page, and DOI Link) shows strong duplication according to analysis by iThenticate. The authors have plagiarized part of the paper that had already been published in those journals. Based on clarification via email, Authors of the above paper have admitted their plagiarism to the previously published paper by those journals.

Please note: One of the conditions of submission of a paper for publication in this journal is that authors declare that their work is original and has not appeared in a publication in another journal. Re-use of any data should be appropriately cited.

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