With the inevitability of population growth and urbanization, governments have initiated the development and spatial planning of smart and green cities. By conducting direct observation and focus group discussion (FGD) with management unit representatives and residents, this study identified three priority issues in Rusunawa Muara Baru, Pluit, North Jakarta: access to clean water, management of household waste, and the lack of a public area for social activities or interaction. This paper aims to solve these problems through the implementation of an integrated model of Green Rusunawa, especially in Towers 5, 6, and 7. The stages of this program include preparation, implementation, and evaluation and sustainability. This program adopted a qualitative descriptive approach using observation, interview, and FGD to reveal the challenges, conducted informal deliberations as well as attributed the audience to the local government, observed and recorded the infrastructure program establishment and implementation, and held informal discussions and training for program management and resident representatives for the final stage. Green Rusunawa was created within the concept of green living, green environment, and green space, each through the successful utilization of rainwater harvesting (RWH), management of the waste bank, and the availability of the learning center. RWH and the waste bank quantitatively provide tangible benefits for the fulfillment of water needs and augment family income, respectively. Meanwhile, the learning center is to be developed into an interaction space for residents to conduct positive activities.
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Recommended Citation
Wijayanti, Sri Hapsari; Pandia, Weny Savitri S.; and Sutarno, Herman Yosep
The concept of Green Rusunawa for the urban community in Indonesia.
ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement, 3(2).
Available at: https://doi.org/10.7454/ajce.v3i2.1061