ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


Positive language is a crucial communication tool, both within the family environment and in external circumstances. Previous research endeavors have evidenced that the inculcation of positive language by parents is effective in building positive character in their children. Thus, language is not merely a communication tool; it is also a means of personality development. However, this application cannot be realized if parents are unaware. Therefore, the community service activity proposed in this paper aims to broaden and strengthen mindful parenting, and to enhance the discernment of positive language in parents to help them build positive character in their children. To this end, a community-based research process was applied through activities held in a community center to mentor and assist 30 young Muslim couples whom were married for a period of 5 to 20 years. An expert psychologist was engaged to help the participating couples comprehend two perspectives of mindful parenting: language education and psychology. A mini handbook for the application of positive language was distributed to each participating couple as guidance to enable them to continuously employ mindful parenting with their children. This community service activity expanded and reinforced the commitment of all participants to work together to inculcate their children with positive personalities. Parents must be mindful of every single word they say and everything they do if they desire to build a better future generation. The more parents apply positive language in mindful parenting, the more children will be assimilated with constructive personalities.


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