ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


Data and information is the key in implementing evidence-based health policy, which has been problematic in Indonesia. The communication between researchers and policy makers must be further strengthened, by encouraging data visualizations as the narrative tools to optimize those communications. Mata-Data (https://mata-data.com) aimed to present national data on health and its social determinants in dynamic data visualization, which was previously presented in tables only. This program were developed in several steps. First, data extraction and analysis from data bank and offical reports. Second, website development subcontracted to external consultants. Third, trial and feedback conducted using online forms, both in quantitative and qualitative data. Fourth, evaluation and dissemination. Several important findings were established. At first, the limitation of data types (mainly categorical and ordinal) means that the multivariate display of data in one graphic was unavailable. However, in general, the user experiences were favorable. The superiority of data visualizations was agreed by the users. Nevertheless, several concerns emerged. First, the use of mobile device was growing. Second, the need of user for reference points, instead of comparing between provinces. Last, the interest for geographically deeper data, especially on city-district level. In conclusion, it can be observed that this program has evolved into something specific for Indonesian context. Further analysis in various concerns is needed to further how Mata-Data can improve data communication in Indonesia.


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