ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


Electricity is one of the basic necessity for people. The provision of micro-scale solar electricity is needed to increase public access to electricity that can improve capacity of household members. The aim of community engagement program is to increase farmers' household access to electricity are carried out to provide financial, economic and socio-cultural benefits. Based on the theory, the community engagement tailored to the population interest, and community-based organizations must be involved in any engagement initiative. There are six major components of a community engagement are collaboration, accessibility, accountability, education, principles, and organizational capacity. This community service through participatory methods (need assessment by Group Interview, independent interview and Participatory Rapid Group Interview). Community preparation methods were carried out through village consultation approaches, and participatory education. While the transfer of knowledge to mobilize and organize the community was done through adult education, learning by doing, and on site training. This program was carried out in Kampung Baru Village, Katingan Kuala District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. This village was chosen considering that it has the potential to be developed as a food crop producing region. The beneficiaries were selected from families with poor criteria, the physical condition of the house was almost uninhabitable and had school-age children. Successful activities are carried out: 1) training in solar electricity management 2) Establishing an Agent of Change, with diverse expertise to reach the achievement of the program's ultimate goals. 3) Networking, with various parties for ease of implementation, and program sustainability. 4) Participation of Stakeholders: knowing and accepting development programs; involved in all socialization, training and guidance activities; 5) There is awareness to optimize the utilization of local resources. 7) Installing solar electricity in 40 farmer households. Almost all community included in the program said that they received the benefit from the lighting provided. By the empowerment program in the form of micro-scale solar electricity lighting, 96% of children are increasingly diligent in learning because there is more time at night.


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