ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement


The number of elderly people in Indonesia is estimated to reach 29 million in 2020. The ageing process is usually followed by poor health which has been associated with risk of severe cognitive impairment. However, there is a limited training on older people’s health and cognitive impairment. Thus, programmes emphasise on trainings for health cadres, health workers and physicians are encouraged to improve older persons’ health. Additionally, health conditions of older persons have a relationship with cognitive impairment. There was 39% (thirty nine percent) of the elderly who experienced cognitive impairment in several cities and villages in Indonesia. Therefore, this study was aimed to provide training to develop and improve the ability of doctors, health workers and health cadres in conducting counseling for other cadres and health workers on HVLT (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test) and MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) instruments to measure the cognitive status of elderly people. The method was PRA in relation with the definition of community development as the employment of community to address the needs and empower groups of people. PRA was also employed together with HVLT, MMSE and a training module. Participants were health cadres, public health workers and physicians. The results of training program showed that in three months, 61% of 108 cadres showed cognitive improvement and 39% of them needed remedial. Training feed back assessment showed that 81% up to 90% cadres performas was good to excellent. 94% of 36 health workers showed cognitive improvement. Behavioral assessment showed 100% of respondents was cooperated and could share their opinions. The study concluded that a training program might be potential for cognitive improvement and might be potential for the readiness of elderly people, cadres, health workers, and physicians to support elderly health care system in Depok City


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