

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has implications for the birth of armed groups that continue to

be polarized within Palestine, such as the PLO, Hamas, Fatah, and others to the PNA.

However, one group that exists and has a strong resonance in the Islamic world is Hamas.

The resonance also reached Indonesia. This study will examine the polarization of Hamas and

its military activities which are considered to represent the interests of Palestinian Muslims.

As a result, this has a snowball effect by generating bigger and stronger support which

ultimately affects the issue of Indonesia's national defense., This study uses a qualitative

method with an analysis of geopolitical theory. The results showed that the polarization that

occurred was caused by the ideological differences between Hamas and Fatah and the

different points of view between Hamas members. Hamas activities in Palestine have no

effect on the issue of Indonesian defense because the forms of response are limited to

humanitarian solidarity and equality of belief.


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