The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one of the regional organizations that aims to promote economic and security cooperation among its members in southeast Asia countries. In the dynamics of ASEAN’s journey, the most debated issue is enforcing human rights among ASEAN members. One of the bloodiest tragedies of human rights violations in Southeast Asia has known as the Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines. This research explores more profoundly the responses of the ASEAN on victims’ family requests in the case of the Maguindanao massacre. This research also applies the human rights regime theory to the role of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). Through bibliometric analysis by utilizing NVivo 12 plus software for data collection and data visualization, this research found the victim’s family request: further investigation, arrest of perpetrators, public awareness improvement, protection rights, and compensation. Four ASEAN member states, namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia, have responded to this matter. The ASEAN highlighted five responses: advocacy, lack of mechanism, non-intervention, responsibility transfer, and warn. Eventually, the AICHR has indicated the status of a promotion regime based on its involvement in these issues.
Bahasa Abstract
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) adalah salah satu organisasi regional yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan kerja sama ekonomi dan keamanan di antara para anggotanya di negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Dalam dinamika perjalanan ASEAN, isu yang paling diperdebatkan adalah penegakan HAM di antara anggota ASEAN. Salah satu tragedi pelanggaran HAM paling berdarah di Asia Tenggara dikenal dengan pembantaian Maguindanao di Filipina. Penelitian ini menggali lebih dalam tentang tanggapan ASEAN atas permintaan keluarga korban dalam kasus pembantaian Maguindanao. Penelitian ini juga menerapkan teori rezim hak asasi manusia pada peran the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). Melalui analisis bibliometrik dengan memanfaatkan software NVivo 12 plus untuk pendataan dan visualisasi data, penelitian ini menemukan permintaan keluarga korban: penyidikan lebih lanjut, penangkapan pelaku, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat, hak perlindungan, dan ganti rugi. Empat negara anggota ASEAN, yakni Indonesia, Filipina, Thailand, dan Malaysia, telah menanggapi hal ini. ASEAN menyoroti lima tanggapan: advokasi, kurangnya mekanisme, non-intervensi, transfer tanggung jawab, dan memperingatkan. Akhirnya, AICHR telah menunjukkan status promotion regime berdasarkan keterlibatannya dalam isu-isu ini.
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Recommended Citation
Abhipraya, Fairuz Arta; Candra, Ilham Agustian; and Gauhar, Fasih Raghib
Journal of Terrorism Studies: Vol. 5:
1, Article 5.
DOI: 10.7454/jts.v5i1.1060
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