
Journal of Terrorism Studies

Journal of Terrorism Studies (JTS) is an online publishing system based on the Open Journal System, published by Universitas Indonesia. This journal provides an opportunity for academics, practitioners, and community representatives to examine exchange and reflect on various issues related to the problems of radicalism and prevention, and terrorism that occur in various parts of the world, especially in the ASEAN region. JTS aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, methodological, practical dimensions and ways of approaching the problems of radicalism, its prevention and terrorism

Journal of Terrorism Studies

ISSN 2656-9965 E-ISSN 2722-1512

Mailing Address

Gedung Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, Universitas Indonesia (Salemba, Jakarta) Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Jakarta 10430 Telp : 021 – 3900538, 021 – 3929717, 021 – 3924710, 021 – 3100059

Principal Contact

Muhamad Syauqillah, M.Si., PhD.

Email: jts.sksg@ui.ac.id

Support Contact

Syaiful Rohman, M.Si

Email: jurnal.jts71@gmail.com

No : +6287750795292.