
Journal of Terrorism Studies

Writing should be submitted according to these following restrictions:

1. The Manuscript

  • The manuscript should be written in English and submitted online to the journal website (https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/jts/). The author must log in to submit.
  • (Since Volume 5, 2023) The manuscript should be contain at least 5.000-8000 characters (12 Times New Roman, Space 1,15), including embedded figures and tables, the file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) or Open Office (.odt) format.
  • The manuscript body should be consist of: INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULT AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES, written in capitals and bold .
  • Template JTS 2023

    Template JTS, 2023

    2. The Title, Abstract, and Keywords should be written in English

    • Titles should be concise and informative. The title of the article is no more than 15 words, printed in capital letters in the middle, written in Times New Roman font size 14 and bold.
    • Abstract must contain 150-200 words, The Abstract should be written in English and Bahasa with single space and no longer than 200 words. Font - 11, Times New Roman, in paragraph form, Abstract contains objective, method and the main finding of the articles.
    • Keywords contain three to five words/phrases.
    • 3. Reference

      • Reference sources as much as possible are libraries published in the last 10 years from reputable journal or publisher. The preferred references are primary sources in the form of research reports (including theses, theses, and dissertations).
      • Authors must cite from JTS journals that have been published, at least three articles.
      • References and citations use the bracketed body note technique (name, year, page,). The inclusion of sources in direct quotations should be accompanied by a description of the page number from which the quotation originated. Example: (Friedman, 2008: 85).
      • 4. Please adjust to the available templates

        Template JTS, 2023

        The Board is authorized to reject a manuscript based on peer reviewer advice and Make necessary changes or adjustment related to language properties without altering the substance. Substance editing would be consulted with the author first.