Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2023)
Dear Respected Readers,
JMEF published the second issue of the second volume. It has been our pleasure to provide you with insight and current research in materials engineering and its related fields. We are striving to provide you with the best articles, and we realized that the materials engineering field is growing at a pace that was unimaginable before. This issue provides 2 review articles and 3 regular articles ranging from bio-degradable polymers, materials risk assessment, and biomaterials.
We hope that you can enjoy our articles and get insight from the diverse articles in our journal.
Editor in Chief
Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah
The Effect of Heat Treatment and Chemical Treatment on Natural Fibre to The Durability of Wood Plastic Composites – A Review
Nuratiqah Asyiqin Mohd Nasharudin, Nur Fatihah Sulaiman, Nurul Aziemah Mohammad, WAN NOR RAIHAN WAN JAAFAR, Falah Abu Dr., and Siti Norasmah Surip
Local Chlorhexidine Delivery for Periodontal Infection Therapy: A Short Review
Muhammad Guruh Najmudin, Azizah Intan Pangesty, Rini Riastuti, Sunarso Sunarso, and Abdul Halim Abdullah
Optimization of AlTi PLD coating by increasing Ti content, N2 and Annealing which used for SKD61 pins in aluminum die casting
Rusman Kosasih, Maria Margaretha Suliyanti Prof, Dedi Priadi, and Wisnu Usni
Effect of Heat Input on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Submerged Arc Welded SM570-TMC Steel
Toni Yuhandri, Winarto Winarto, and Diana Natalia
The Effect of Current Density and Hard Chrome Coating Duration on the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of AISI D2 Steel
Indah Uswatun Hasanah, Dedi Priadi, and Donanta Dhaneswara