Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings
Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings/JMEF (e-ISSN: 2962-5475; p-ISSN: 2963-251X) is an international journal that reports on R&D discoveries and fundamental understanding of phenomena with potential significance, as well as those that explore solutions to current engineering challenges in materials, structural and mechanical engineering or related fields including materials appreciation in architecture.
This journal has been published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia.
For the year 2024, 3 issues (Volume 3, Issue 1 (May), Issue 2 (July), and Issue 3 (November)) are scheduled for publication, with 6–8 articles per issue. Commencement of publication: August 2022.
See the Aims and Scope for complete coverage of the journal.
Editor in Chief: Dr. Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah . More info about Editorial Team is here.
International Diversity of Editors/Editorial Board: 15 Editorial Board member in 8 countries. Indonesia (7); Malaysia (1); South Korea (1); France (1); Japan (2); Laos (1); Canada (1); Malawi (1).Gender Diversity Distribution of the Editors: 20% woman; 80% man.
All manuscript will be screened using iThenticate.
Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 3 (2024)
Volume 3, Issue 2 (2024)
Dear Esteemed Readers and Contributors,
We are thrilled to present the latest edition of the Journal of Materials Exploration and Findings. This issue represents a significant step forward in our commitment to disseminating groundbreaking research and advancements in the field of materials science and engineering.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the authors for their invaluable contributions, the reviewers for their rigorous selection process, and our readers for their continued support and enthusiasm. This collective effort has enabled us to curate a selection of papers that offer diverse perspectives and innovative insights.
This issue features the following key articles:
Strategic Site Selection for Bio-LNG Plant in Indonesia: A Multi-Criteria Scoring Method Approach. This study proposes an innovative framework for identifying optimal locations for Bio-LNG plants in Indonesia, leveraging multi-criteria scoring methodologies.
Effect of Alkyd and Polyester Resin Compositions on Corrosion Resistance, Blistering, and Adhesion in Utilization of Oily Sludge as Anti-rust Coating Material. A detailed investigation into how resin compositions impact corrosion resistance and adhesion properties, with a focus on sustainable anti-corrosion solutions.
Single-step Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Arabica Spent Coffee Grounds using K2CO3 as Activator Agent. This paper highlights a novel, eco-friendly approach to synthesizing activated carbon from spent coffee grounds for industrial applications.
Inspection Program Effectiveness Key Performance Indicator for Pressurized Static Equipment Integrity at Offshore Platform. A performance-based evaluation framework for offshore platform equipment, aiming to optimize safety and maintenance protocols.
A Comparative Study of Conventional and Statistically Active Corrosion Methods for Corrosion Growth Assessment of a 24-inch Gas Pipeline. This comparative analysis offers new insights into evaluating corrosion growth in gas pipelines, enhancing predictive maintenance practices.
Comparative Analysis of Risk-Based and Time-Based Inspection Strategies in Hydrocarbon and Chemical Industries: A Review.
Each article reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of materials science, offering both theoretical and practical contributions to the field. We are immensely grateful to you, our readers, for your engagement and feedback, which continue to drive us forward. Your support inspires us to enhance the quality and impact of our content with each issue.
With warm regards,
Dr. Jaka Fajar Fatriansyah
Strategic Site Selection for Bio-LNG Plant in Indonesia: A Multi-Criteria Scoring Method Approach
Edma Nadhif Oktariani and Yuliusman Yuliusman
Effect of Alkyd and Polyester Resin Compositions on Corrosion Resistance, Blistering, and Adhesion in utilization of Oily Sludge as Anti-rust Coating Material
Gerets Land Kakalang, Yohanes David Kristianto, and Johny Wahyuadi Mudaryoto
Single-step Synthesis of Activated Carbon from Arabica Spent Coffee Ground using K2CO3 as Activator Agent
Ghina Ivana Mieldan and Yuliusman Yuliusman
Inspection Program Effectiveness Key Performance Indicator for Pressurized Static Equipment Integrity at Offshore Platform
Teuku Ahmad Haekal, Johny Wahyuadi Soedarsono, Badrul Munir, and Muhammad Yudi Masduky Sholihin